[UPDATED] Don't Update your Motion X GPS HD



V21 returns the missing maps and then some.



I just updated Motion X GPS HD v20 on my iPad Mini and found that the map choices have changed...

Currently the cacheable maps are limited to the original Open Street (terrain as well).

Gone are all 4 Bing Types.

Google maps (which were not cacheable) are also gone... replaced by Apple Maps.

I have been a big proponent of MxGPS over the years and still feel its the best interface for overland iOS based navigation however this reduction in map choice make me neutral on the product.

I've emailed and received a reply telling me this is a Bing issue however other GPS apps continue to have Bing cacheable and some even google cacheable (GPS KIT).
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SE Expedition Society
No bueno. I updated lastnight but have not looked at it yet

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Apparently, Apple devices will no longer include Google maps as a base app. And I understand that Google map updates will not play well with IOS devices in the future. I recently switched from an Iphone and an iPad to Samsung Galaxy 3 phone and the tablet. So far, I think both devices rock and after a bit of a learning curve, am confident I made the right move.


You can go back to v19 and get the bing downloads back if you updated via iCloud and didn't sync with itunes. The google maps are gone via Apples Map Kit API. Since the Google maps app is no longer resident in iOS you now see Apple Maps even if it says Google in the App.

Delete Mx v 20 from your device and then attach to itunes and add the v 19 app back to the device. Make sure you dont update the app via itunes or you are done for. I copied the app from itunes to a backup should I ever accidentally update it.

Keep in mind you should back up your way points and tracks before deleting the app.
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You can go back to v19 and get the bing downloads back if you updated via iCloud and didn't sync with itunes.


I'm afraid I already know the answer to this Q, but hope springs eternal... Is there any way to get and install v19 rather than v20? I have simply not gotten around to purchasing the app yet, but I would want Bing and GoogleMaps aboard if I did. Any workaround you know of?



If you make the purchase it will be v20. It basically is back to v13 in terms of map selection and still very usable. Most of the caching you would have done would have been the maps that still exist.

No matter what if you have iOS6, even with v19 of the app, you will get app maps instead of Google. That's a change in apple's Map Kit, which motion x uses. Motion x will have to go back to the bench and update the app again.

My take is that v20 was a time sensitive release to meet vendor license changes. I suspect v21 will restore some map capability.


Wow glad i just happened to see this thread i was just using my Motion X app to plan a trip and noticed that it needed an update but didn't do it because the battery was almost dead. No i will try and avoid updating.


New member
Yes same problem here....updated and the download option is available only for the useless maps......

Looking for different solutions, found a way to download any maps including bing hybrid with geo refereces...now looking for a way to use this "custom maps" on Motion...

any idea?!?



New member
GPSKit allows you to cache any type of map including Google, so long as you accept to abide by their EULA. I really love MotionX but only use it cached, and the lack of decent cached maps is very annoying


New member
I have found the .ipa file of the old version of MotionX GPS HD, tonight i'll try to reinstall it, if it works i will not update again!!!!

....even if teh Technical Support told me that the are trying to fix this issue in the next 2 releases...


New member
...big news here, after a deep search i find out that the only program that let you download the bing / google satellite images (maps) is actually GPS Kit.
It is quite expensive compared to MotionX but it works great!

The only problem is the offline maps manage system:

- infinite cachable area
- different shape selection even "hands free"
- no need to select the offline map you need, it automatically show them off when you browse there

- the tiles download is limited around 1000, that means you can't select big area...if you need detailed maps you need to download them with multiple area.... THAT'S a BIG negative thing...but at the end of the days it does the job

Hope this help

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