Upland Hunting - General


Active member
No dogs involved and not upland hunting, not to hijack the thread, but I got my first goose hunt yesterday!

16 degrees out, wicked winds and white out conditions earlier in the day, 5 hours out in a corn field. We only got one flock in but between three of us with 3 shots each we bagged 8 birds! I won’t admit to missing but I was the only first timer there.

It was a blast, I learned a lot from some frat guys that are very passionate about waterfowl and I can’t wait to hunt with them again.


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Thanks to @Highlander for telling me about this thread! lots of sweet info on here. I got into upland hunting a few years ago and have really enjoyed it! I live in NH and have enjoyed the ability to combine the adventure travel and camping with upland hunting over the years...Have had a few different rights throughout the years!
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The Strong, Silent Type
Any idea where I cam buy blood? cow or pig or lamb.
Local butcher shops have it but they mix is it with vinegar (comes already mix). I need fresh one. froze would work too.


Beach Bum
I had my last hunt of the 21/22 season this past weekend, the one and only time this season that I wasn't running dogs and guiding others. What a nice change of pace and a heck of good time, I couldn't think of a better way to close out the season. There will be some changes coming to how I do things in the future and depending on the economy/fuel prices/work I might set out on the road in the fall to chase down some birds we don't see here in Texas.


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