URE!9 (Ninth Annual Uwharrie Rover Expedition!)


Doug- what is your plan/timing?
Travis- where are you camping? What days?

I am a bit stymied. Had my neurosurgeon f/u today, and while the device holding my 4 cervical vertebrae together is in tact and doing well- great in fact, I missed a little issue. The device is holding it all together with the help of a hard C collar while the bone regenerates to fill the spaces previously having disc. All the disc spaces were emptied, cleaned and bridged- and now awaiting 3 to 6 months of bone growth to fill in said spaces, resulting in the final fusion. So, I am at Renee's mercy and schedule for a bit longer- and I thought the last three weeks were long ;-) We do hope to go over and see everyone at least for a little while. Should be awesome weather wise to boot!!

Dale, Godspeed your recovery. I do hope to see you at URE!


Only 2 weeks away!!!!!

If you want a most excellent t-shirt as illustrated below, then you better hurry and register. We are closing down preorder for shirts Thursday evening (10/11/12). We will not be ordering extras.

If you've already registered, or registered and paid, but want to go back and buy a shirt, then here is a more direct link: http://onslrs.org/thanks.php

I should arrive Thurs and be there until Sunday morning. Since I'm @ the farm the ride won't be hatefull-3hrs or less. Glad to hear the healing is going well. You have my cell number-shoot me a text when you know what your schedule is and I'll meet you back @ camp.


Doug- what is your plan/timing?
Travis- where are you camping? What days?

I am a bit stymied. Had my neurosurgeon f/u today, and while the device holding my 4 cervical vertebrae together is in tact and doing well- great in fact, I missed a little issue. The device is holding it all together with the help of a hard C collar while the bone regenerates to fill the spaces previously having disc. All the disc spaces were emptied, cleaned and bridged- and now awaiting 3 to 6 months of bone growth to fill in said spaces, resulting in the final fusion. So, I am at Renee's mercy and schedule for a bit longer- and I thought the last three weeks were long ;-) We do hope to go over and see everyone at least for a little while. Should be awesome weather wise to boot!!

hope things are going well dale, would love to see you, been too long!


Supporting Sponsor
Thanks guys- really hate the timing, but there never is a good time. Looking forward to seeing everyone!!


Just registered, or tried to... when I clicked submit it just went back to the register page, not the order page. Don't worry, i can handle the ribbing about the jeep... Plan is to come out Friday AM, set up camp, hit the trails... head back to town in the evening for my don Jonah's football game (you are welcome to join us!) and head back to camp Sat morn for more trails and good company.



Supporting Sponsor
Friday is wife's B-day and kids have half day school, so I may ease over Sat... If you're feeling vulnerable I can always bring the JK ;-)


Just registered, or tried to... when I clicked submit it just went back to the register page, not the order page. Don't worry, i can handle the ribbing about the jeep... Plan is to come out Friday AM, set up camp, hit the trails... head back to town in the evening for my don Jonah's football game (you are welcome to join us!) and head back to camp Sat morn for more trails and good company.

Did you see a big red bar come up indicating you are missing a field on the form? Likely you put dashes in teh phone number or something like that... Try again, or email me at oldnorthstate@gmail.com


Closing down T-shirt ordering Thursday evening. If you do not order one... you do not get one. Shirtless registration will continue through next Wednesday. So yes, that means you can sit behind your keyboard without a shirt on and register.


Did you see a big red bar come up indicating you are missing a field on the form? Likely you put dashes in teh phone number or something like that... Try again, or email me at oldnorthstate@gmail.com

Boy... I hate being the dumb one... but I am used to it :) OK! Registered and ready to go. Plan is Wife approved and we'll be ther Friday morning. We'll leave Friday evening and head to the football game and return after. Really looking forward to it!



Wow... great time today guys! Thanks for welcoming my family (and my Jeep!) to your event. We had a great time!



We had a blast today even if we didn't spend a lot of time with the URE guys. My brother was in the green county lwb and I was in the green d1.

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