Ursa Minor Camper Shell for JT Gladiator


The trickY part is how the the cab and bed would be divided. If it was one large open area I wouldn’t think the stock AC and heater could manage all that space. Not to mention there would have to be some way to seal the gap between the bed and cab. It would be nice as you could potentially fit 2 adults and two kids or even make a bunk bed in the bed below.

Above, I made an attempt to describe how I would handle the "sealing the gap" issue. If I were Ursa Minor, I'd make a custom cab hard top that was mostly similar to the stock hard top but with a cutout in the rear. Then also make a separate "shell" that attached to the Gladiator bed with a cabover portion and a matching cutout. Then I would use one of those flexible rubber "accordion boots" to seal between the cab and the shell. That would allow the bed and the cab to flex independently but you could still have a pass through into the cab.

The pic below is how someone else managed the flex with their setup. As you can see, their flexible boot is secured to both the cab and the camper so the two can flex independently. This is a Gladiator though and not a Ram 5500 so if Ursa Minor only made a new fiberglass top with a cutout, you would still need to step over the steel front of the bed/rear of the cab. I sketched in a couple red lines where I imagine the bed would be and a blue line where I'm imagining the roll bar would be.

Gladiator Camper Pass-Through.jpeg


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New member
If I were to make a Gladiator camper shell it would need to take advantage of the open design of the gladiator and make use of the entire length of the top. Here is a design I sketched up of what I would want from a gladiator camper. having full hydraulic actuators to lift the roof so that gear could still be carried on the roof without unloading and have easy access to the front cab. the actuators would support the whole roof from the bed with some form of seals along the top so difference in flex from bed and cab could be addressed.gladrack_FullRackCamperb.gifgladrack_FullRackCamperc.gif

The Artisan

Thats the idea. Now if we take what I designed for the gladiator and add your hardside panels we would have the ultimate camper!
Yep working on it. I am doing my 04 4wd element, 03 4x4 tundra flatbed, 96 t100 4x4 side bed, 86 runner and 07 fuso like an exd. Insulated soft sides and hard side versions. E350 4x4 van with topper later. I think I have a few platforms covered they share the same top ?
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Unfortunately they have no desire to build anything for the JT. They are focusing on the JL and the new Bronco.

This is why I gave up on the keep waiting til “spring” updates.


Expedition Leader
Oh well, there is the Alu-Cab Canopy Camper, Super Pacific, GoFast.....etc. It's always nice to have more options, but I don't blame them for streamlining.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Unfortunately they have no desire to build anything for the JT. They are focusing on the JL and the new Bronco.

This is why I gave up on the keep waiting til “spring” updates.

Did John from Ursa Minor tell you that directly? When?

Last I spoke to him (in person at SEMA 2019) (almost exactly a year ago) he and I did a lot of hand waving and talking around Gladiators, and he assured me he can and will build a top for it.

As always though I'm sure it will take a while - John likes to design everything in a lot of detail to make sure the mass produced product is perfect. He has no interest rushing something to market.



During SEMA 2019 JT was new, since then Ford started taking orders on the Bronco.

It’s easier to adapt the Jk/JL design to meet the Bronco specs, than it is to build a new design from scratch. Smart biz move, but sucks for JT owners.

This is why we have an Alu-Cab Canopy Camper. GFC was high on our list, but, those build times were a deterrent.

Other brands are also coming to market, but no one has the strength of the Alu-Cab.

We can’t use fiberglass for the tight trails that we do.
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If only we could convince AEV or anyone else to build a high quality Outpost II or similar for the JT. Combined with the 392 concept, we would have an instant winner! The poor mans Earth Roamer.
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The biggest thing to remember when comparing the JT to the Toyota pictured above, the JK/JL and even the Bronco is the JT is a two peice body and the that will flex and roll independently. It you get a top for the JT it will be just like all the other trucks and campers... it has to be without making the bed and cab a one piece


I agree ratled that is an obstacle, but EarthRoamer and Earthcruiser have been doing it for years. So it’s not a DOA concept. Not everyone has the money or the need for those giant yet beautiful rigs.

a smaller more capable permanent solution would cater to a larger audience and still be within the reach for the more commoners such as myself. Expensive? Sure, obtainable? Absolutely.

i can afford a sprinter 4x4 but I am not willing to give up the capabilities that the JTR offers. So until then, I’ll keep pestering companies and hope that one will take the leap of faith.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
During SEMA 2019 JT was new, since then Ford started taking orders on the Bronco.

It’s easier to adapt the Jk/JL design to meet the Bronco specs, than it is to build a new design from scratch. Smart biz move, but sucks for JT owners.

This is why we have an Alu-Cab Canopy Camper. GFC was high on our list, but, those build times were a deterrent.

Other brands are also coming to market, but no one has the strength of the Alu-Cab.

We can’t use fiberglass for the tight trails that we do.

Did John from Ursa tell you directly he won't make a top for the Gladiator, or are you just speculating?

Yes, they will make one for the Bronco, but actually that's going to be "entirely new", while the Gladiator one can be substantially the same as the JL one.

Like I said, Ursa won't be first to market, but as far as I know, they are still planning a top for the Gladiator.



I like the persistence.
I am not saying that UM won’t make a AT Habitat or similar topper, I am saying for those that are holding out for a JT-30 or similar full roof conversion shouldn’t hold their breath. It is not happening or is even in the works.
I suggest you reach back out to John directly to hear it directly from him if you won’t take my word for it.
a lot has changed since last year, and a full roof conversion is not in the cards.
A topper with a bed? Sure, maybe....but the Bronco is the priority and since those aren’t even on lots yet, it will be a long time before attention is turned to the gladiator.
There are other canopy/toppers/slide ins on the market as mentioned in previous replies to this thread.
PS- I am Not trying to be rude, and would be happy to continue the discussion on the maybe or what-ifs UM thread that has yet to be established.

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