So...I'll be the first to admit I haven't read all 134 pages of this thread yet (but I am working on it.) My question to you all is, has anyone with an Ursa Minor been "classified" as self-contained by a governing body who oversees, say overnight beach camping/access? Like Cape Cod National Seashore... You have to have to be self contained. Meaning, for your sink you must have grey water holding tank. You must have a toilet, with a black water holding tank. And you must sleep within your vehicle or slide in camper. Anyone dos this yet with an Ursa Minor? Any pics of your interior with these things? I have a port a potty, and I have a home made sink with a grey water holding tank. But I am trying to envision where to place these in a JKU if I had an Ursa Minor...
Here is the sink, top container for potable water, bottom container for grey water, and a marine hand pump faucet:
Here is the sink, top container for potable water, bottom container for grey water, and a marine hand pump faucet: