Using a ARB Compact On Board Air System to fill tires?

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Earlier someone posted about an ARB compressor running fully submerged in a fish tank because they had a remote inlet.

Just run the proper size of hose from the ARB compressor and create a mini snorkel for it. With drain holes in the mounting box you should be good to go.

Brilliant. You could run it right up into the intake, so it would feed from the snorkel.

Soapy water and a toothbrush is how I found my leaks because they couldn't be found with a stethoscope. The last one was very tiny but would cause the compressor to cycle. No leaks = no cycling. I ended up using multiple wraps of teflon tape on the NPT fittings.

Suppose I could try that. I cycles about every half hour or so on the trail, so I'm not too worried about it.

adrenaline503, good luck with your setup, but remember, you don't need an ARB compressor to run ARB lockers. There are others out there.


New member
but the compressor probably doesn't like being under water.

The compressors are surprisingly forgiving. I've had mine submerged several times. Had it mounted on the floor under the front seat. Will cycle and lock the ARBs 1X while submerged Then it seizes and needs to be R&Rd. Easy to do. Worst part was pulling the diff out because it had managed pump water all the bay to the back because of a wicked leak in the locker itself. Early production 9" had a lot of issues with leaks.


Damn it. Maybe a Compact model and a power tank is the way to go. I really don't want to wire up a larger model since it will be located under my flatbed. Thanks for the confirmation though.

^ this is what I'm currently running. My old ARB compressor would slowly (very) fill tires, not a chance with the compact though.


^ this is what I'm currently running. My old ARB compressor would slowly (very) fill tires, not a chance with the compact though.

I thought that before I looked at the Power Tank prices. Yikes! I can get a mighty nice compressor for that much. Someone has one of the ARB high output models on CL for 200 bucks. Even has a 2 gallon tank with it.


I thought that before I looked at the Power Tank prices. Yikes! I can get a mighty nice compressor for that much. Someone has one of the ARB high output models on CL for 200 bucks. Even has a 2 gallon tank with it.

I also have my Powertank plumbed into my locker air system to serve as a back-up, so that helps me justify it a little I suppose.........

I would love to have something similar to a York system, but I'm out of space under the hood and the alternatives are pretty pricey as well.


For a 30 Amp draw on a 12 Volt system the minimum wire size should be 10 AWG for a 6.6 foot run. Smaller AWG would heat up and possibility create a fire. If you need more distance you would need go up a size or 2. See this site for more info on wire size verses current draw. They have also factored in 5% loss that the wire will create through its internal resistance. However if you will only be running the compressor for short periods of time you can get away with the minimum AWG.
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