Using a rifle case(s) for roof storage?

Nivel Egres

My improvised roof rack is fully taken by the bouldering pads and I don't want to pile more on top (it's a lot of bulk without much weight). However, I had a crazy idea that a rifle case could make a perfect solution for storing smaller/thinner items under the roof rack rails as well as on the sides if mounted on some sort of brackets. Seems like they are are waterproof (or so they claim), sturdy and fairly cheap. Might be a perfect way to store stuff like tools, solar kit, tripod etc. Couple questions:
(a) I am trying to optimize the size(s) to fit around the pads
-- what is the thinnest they make them?
-- what is the longest and the shortest they make them?
(b) is the foam hard-glued to the sides or is it removable like in the HS camera cases?
(c) do they only make them in black or drab olive, nothing happier colour-wise?
(d) will every cop stop me to check these if I am driving down the highway?

Any other thoughts or ideas are welcome!


I have thought of doing something like this too, but keep coming up blank as to what I'd carry in them. They're great for carrying... rifles. And shotguns. But not a lot else that I can think of. If it's thin enough to slide under a roof rack, I can't picture carrying much bulky stuff in it. And tools are heavy... a three foot long tool box would be really heavy. How much space do you have to work with?

The foam is typically plucked out in the shape you want. The cheaper ones are just an egg crate shape foam.

The only color I've seen outside of black, gray or OD is pink. I guess that's a "happier" color.

Why would you get pulled over for having a box on your vehicle? I can't imagine any problems there unless you're doing something illegal already.


Old Marine
Cheap rifle cases are not waterproof. If you want a waterproof case you will be spending over $100, closer to $200. If that's still in your range or you can deal with waterproof-ish cheaper alternatives you could /will be stopped depending on the state and area.

In my mind the real downside of a rifle case is that if its exposed it makes you a target for theft.


Expedition Leader
"the real downside of a rifle case is that if its exposed it makes you a target for theft"



Funny as I agree with haven on this , the funny part is as soon as I saw the name of thread I thought oh no. People I think will indeed think there's a rifle case, must be a rifle inside. remember its perceived value that makes thief's want something. A normal packed roof has no perceived value as thiefs normally don't have a clue what your gear is.

Nivel Egres

Well, the issue resolved itself - I only have 3" to work with and it's probably too thin for anything useful. Sorry to sound so dumb, I guess - what I probably need is a bigger vehicle instead of trying to fit more into my Volvo.


3" - awning poles, tarps, folding table, fishing poles, axe's, saw's, lots of stuff to fit in there.
I carry a plastic gun box on the roof sometimes, it's ATV proof. Roof storage is basically last place some thief is going
to look. I never even thought of a cop looking up there as to what it might be for.
Look at an RV place, or hunting bow containers, maybe. Good luck


Expedition Leader
With only three inches you are really limited underneath. I'd probably go by a metal fabricating place and have them buuld me an aluminum box that fits the diminesions you want. Being thinner material than the Pelican/Storm/etc cases you will retain more usable room. You could even add a slide in drawer or even just a piece that fis down inside and can be pulled out with an attached pole (if that makes any sense what I'm trying to describe). It'd be handy for things like fishing poles, tent poles, etc but you'd probably want to wrap something around them to keep the noise down.

While Pelicans/Storm/etc come in several colors (and can be ordered in custom colors), if you don't find what you like you can alway buy the lighter color (usually tan) and dye it or paint it with paint designed for plastics. Another option would be to have it hydrodipped any color you want- you could even have happy little trees and flowers put on it (Bob Ross reference).

You could always go with one of the longer skinnier rooftop boxes like the Yakima SpaceBooster.


Just to chime in here, I utilize a Boyt Harness H44 Hard Rifle Case ( as a roof cargo box mounted to my baja rack. I chose this route as I wanted a case that would still allow me to park in my garage and this H44 case allows me to do that in conjunction with my LR3s ability to lower itself via its air spring system. I literally have about 5mm of clearance getting it into the garage. The Boyt H44 case is the only case wide and tall enough on the inside to fit a PETT portable toilet ( (...note pelican rifle cases aren't wide enough for the PETT), thus the toilet lives in there and takes up about 1/3rd of the space. the other 2/3rds is filled with all my recovery equipment (10 ft chain, tree strap, snatch block, recovery strap, shackles, gloves, etc, etc) plus some other things. Below is a picture of the box opened on the rack. Many of the recovery items are contained within those small green boxes/cases. You'll see I still have some spare room for other solar panel 25 ft wire will likely live in that spot:

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Good info about the PETT. But not sure if that's the only case that'll do the job since this Seahorse SE1530 is almost identical in dimensions and weight, for roughly half the price. Made in USA as well:

You need 15" width on the interior to fit the PETT. The seahorse you linked is only 14.29 and the PETT will absolutely not fit in it. The Boyt is the only case I could find with the 15" width internally. Watch out for sales on the boyt h44 as I got 2 for $115 each shipped from Macks Praire.


I used a Plano Moulding All Weather case...

I went with a Plano rifle case. I found this at Wal-Mart for under $80 IIRC. My rationale for putting it on the roof rack is to have easy access to my recovery gear. I have since removed this and went with some newer Rigid cases from Home Depot. They are more robust than the Plano case, however, they are a bit more expensive...



Hope this helps.

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