Using C02 to Activate ARB Locker


First off - hope everyone is enjoying the Holiday season..

I've got an ARB Air Locker in a Tacoma 8.4" 3rd with 4.88 Yukon's awaiting me on my workbench. On vacation at the moment, but I'd really like to get it installed in the truck before I've got to go ply fisherman out in the Bering Sea.

Been doing some preliminary research with regard to various compressors and C02 tank setups. Well, obsessing would be a better term.

From everything that I've seen, you cannot get a high CFM/Duty Cycle 12V compressor without spending serious $. Which is to be expected. Honestly, for my requirements and expected usage, a C02 system, a la Powertank seems to be the most cost effective route to pursue. Looks like I could assemble my own setup: 15 lb. tank, with dual-stage regulator and quick-disconnects for around $100.

Powertank and Slee make a convenient manifold/blow off assembly that is already tapped for the BSP fittings that ARB (Aussie) uses.

I'm thinking of running the ARB electric solenoid to an in-cab rocker switch, with the C02 tank out in the bed on a quick-disconnect fitting, to make it easily removable when not in use.

Any suggestions/comments?


I had a 4runner that was set up as you described, the original owner had it installed. The set up worked well when I owned the vehicle. I did run out of co2 a few times when wheeling, which was not ideal.


Well-known member
Run the numbers, obviously if you have the CO2 tank and can score some deals on the needed parts, switch, etc you can make it work for a bargain. Keep in mind the ARB small compressor (CKSA12, for use only to activate lockers) are ~$170, that gives you the compressor, harness, compressor switch and cover, etc... basically everything you need. I've seen people spend $150 to tie into their CO2 system which obviously works but having a nice standalone system may prove a better option. Give it some thought.



That makes a lot of sense. I've also looked into ARB's higher output compressor as well... Not the dual tank one, though ($$).

I like that Puma 12V as well; seems as though it is the maximum output to $ ratio of all the available options. Then again, I could fit a Sanden AC compressor as well...

Options, options, options...


i run the powertank/arb/manifold system in my crawler, been using for years. works flawlessly, never had an issue. I like that i can take the tank out of my vehicle and use it in another area/vehicle. no need to jockey my rig into the right spot to get air elsewhere. I carry a cheapo compressor to fill rafts and such.


Its all in how close and how cheap a co2 fill station is for you. Most c02 guys I know carry a pump to get them through the last partial fill.


one tip?

set the regulator to as LOw as possible just to enable the locker to lock...

last thing you need is blowing out the seals and o-rings when you have the regulator to like 150PSI...


one tip?

set the regulator to as LOw as possible just to enable the locker to lock...

last thing you need is blowing out the seals and o-rings when you have the regulator to like 150PSI...

Yup, good advise.

The ARB connection kit from Powertank includes a preset pressure relief valve that's set at 100psi. Although a representative from ARB once told me the seals on the lockers are tested at pressures that high.


Well-known member
Yup, good advise.

The ARB connection kit from Powertank includes a preset pressure relief valve that's set at 100psi. Although a representative from ARB once told me the seals on the lockers are tested at pressures that high.

70psi on the low end and I like to limit them ~100 psi but if you have a 120psi system you would be fine. Solenoids will be the first to leak down, ARB specs them to 160psi.


After some more research and pondering - I think that I may go the Puma 12V route.

If I went for the ARB CKMA12, it would be about $250, shipped. Yes, the ARB comes with pre-assembled wiring harness, solenoid ports and a nifty Carling rocker swith/relay, but I can get the Puma 12 Volt, with 1.5 Gallon tank for $227 shipped.

Plan on plumbing the Puma to a manifold similar to this > Solenoid Manifold.JPG

This particular manifold is threaded BPST, which I will not need, since I'll be sourcing my solenoids form Grainger...

Using a solenoid like this >

No I need to decide where I'm going to mount it. I like the idea of engine bay - although as everyone is well aware, heat kills compressors. Either way, I'll be separating the tank from the compressor.

Don't get me wrong - I like ARB and their products, just seems as though I'll be able to put together an OBA setup that will be far more capable than a similarly priced "plug and play" setup. Plus, I think I'll enjoy the project a little bit more designing my own system; rather than unboxing and bolting on the ARB.

Stay tuned, I'm sure I'l be asking some questions within the near future..


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