using new maps in the jeep garmin gps radio 430 n in the new jeep

In the newer jeeps 14 and 15 not sure how much before that the 430 n radio has a gps system in it. Can you load any of the garmin topo maps into it as well? either directly a a download through the usb port of via a secondary device?


Desert rat
You would think a car manufacturer that goes to great lengths to market its vehicles for off-highway use would include a way to get non-highway maps in its navigation systems. I'll never understand auto manufacturers!

A little anecdote: I was adding a RAM mount for my iPad and my son was puzzled why I don't just use the maps from the screen built into the car. Even my four year-old thought it was obvious that Lexus should have included off road maps! (I didn't try to explain that almost nobody actually 'wheels their Lexus GX!)


I Concure, I called Garmen and spoke with them. The contact had no idea why this is the case. State, county and other forest service maps are avaiable, only for specific hiking handheld units.

On another note, with federal land management being what they are these days I doubt such maps would prove reliable as closures would be irksome to say the least. Reforestation in addition to wildlife resource restoration projects can close listed trails and roads on a day by day bases. District managers now have total authority regards access roads to include campgrounds being open or closed. You really don't know until you come upon such closure.

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