Utah Canyonlands, Colorado, Mesa Verde and 3,500 miles later...


New member
Just got back home yesterday morning (4am) from our family trip to Utah/Colorado. We logged in close to 3,500 miles, and had a blast. We took off last Thursday right after work, jumped on I-5 N and headed thru the Gorge on our way to Boise, then stopped for a few hours of much needed sleep. The next morning after a quick stop at Checkers Auto Parts for a new pair of headlight bulbs (one my 3 month old PIAA's went out) we jumped back on the freeway to our destination in Moab Utah. It was HOT! :( Very hot. We stayed at a hotel that night then headed out early in the morning to the Canyonlands for two nights of camping. This area was amazing with amazing scenery. The nights were tough because we kept getting wind gusts and sand storms. Drivign around on the White RIm trail was just awesome!
The switchbacks welcome you at the very beginning of the trail



This was our campsite...

From there, we left to Telluride Colorado for 4 nights of lodging and camping. The second we parked at the lodge this older guy came up to me and began talking to me. He said "I gotta shake the hand of a fellow IMudder" He saw the IH8MUD sticker on the FJ. He was a great guy, his handle is "Alton" and was very nice and talked to us about the town and about his FJ60. I met another couple who camped out next to us in another FJ60, they drove in from L.A. Again, this place was just beautiful and was our kind of town. We did the Imogene Pass and Black Bear Pass trails on two seperate days. Both were amazing trails, Black Bear Pass was intense and was freaking our daughter out! On Black Bear we met a couple on the trail in a Suzuki, it was their first time doing this trail also and agreed that this trail was intense but the FJ performed great with only a few scrapes on the MT rock rails while my wife was driving and paranoid with the really narrow trail, she kissed the rock wall a few times with the sliders.


The next day we drove south to Cortez to visit Mesa Verde National Park for a day exploring the ruins. This area was hot, in the upper 90's. We took a couple of tours of the ruins but the Balcony House was our favorite. Very cool and interesting place.


So after getting home and getting some sleep, I washed the FJ and changed the oil. Now we are planning our next road trip :D
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Expedition Leader
Glad you enjoyed that state I call home--Utah. I wish it would have been a little cooler for you but it is great that you made the most of your time!


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