Utility trailer (removeable camper mod)


I am a recent member. I am a long time lurker. I started on my trailer build this past weekend, with a 5x8 utility trailer (like for hauling lawn equipment, etc...)

I started building it out of wood that I already had laying around the house, so hopefully this build isn't going to cost me that much... Fingers crossed...

The reasoning behind this removable camper top, is I still want the use the trailer for what it is, but be able to have some fun with it also... Below I will post some pictures of the progress made thus far. Have any questions or what not, just ask... Thank you everyone. God Bless


And My Tow Vehicle, 2007 Toyota FJ


Welcome.... Nice choice for truck and trailer. I drive a FJ also, and it will be my tow vehicle when I get around to building a trailer....

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Looks like a sweet build! How are you planning to attach the camper to the trailer? Will the trailer bed be the floor or will you add interior decking? I still need to figure out how I am going to permanently attach my camper to my M101 trailer.


Looks like a sweet build! How are you planning to attach the camper to the trailer? Will the trailer bed be the floor or will you add interior decking? I still need to figure out how I am going to permanently attach my camper to my M101 trailer.

The bed of the trailer will be the floor for the camper. I'm going to make like a removable sub floor with insulation, to keep the floor from getting cold. The walls will be bolted the the sides of the trailer with t-nuts. It is kind of hard to explain in text, it's easier when talking about it in person, I hope you can get the idea I am trying to explain


Welcome.... Nice choice for truck and trailer. I drive a FJ also, and it will be my tow vehicle when I get around to building a trailer....

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Yea, this is my first FJ I've ever owned. I just got back in February... and I love it..!


The bed of the trailer will be the floor for the camper. I'm going to make like a removable sub floor with insulation, to keep the floor from getting cold. The walls will be bolted the the sides of the trailer with t-nuts. It is kind of hard to explain in text, it's easier when talking about it in person, I hope you can get the idea I am trying to explain

Cool, that makes sense. An insulated floor will go a long way. I used the 1/2" foam board insulation on mine and put laminate flooring over the top.


Hopefully this coming weekend is going to be warmer and dryer so I will be able to get more done. My goal is to have it completely enclosed by Sunday night. Then start tape & gluing the seams on Monday and possibly start painting by the end of day... I seriously doubt I will that far, but I'm hopeful...


Got a little bit done to the camper tonight. Not enough to take any pictures though. I just had to touch up loose end work. Stop by harbor freight this morning during their parking lot sale and pick me up one of those oscillating multi tool for $30. Used it to trim the edges of the plywood. Also pick up some more clamps. Clamp the camper top to the trailer rails after getting it all square, tomorrow night when I get home from work I'm going to drill holes and bolt down the frame with t-nuts... y'all have a good evening... later


Got a little done this morning before work. Got all the holes drilled and t-nuts installed. I was going to go ahead and bolt it down, but as it turned out, I didn't have any 5/16" bolts like I thought I had. I grabbed me some from work, and will bolt it down tonight when I get home. Also, got the left side wall plywood tacked into place for now. I'm gonna go back and glue all the plywood once I get everthing placed into position. Here are a few photos. Ill take some close up shots of the bolts and t-nuts in tomorrow's light....



This isn't a very good shot, but you may can see something
Very cool build dc. Mine will be removable, but not quite like that. Pretty cool to have it serve two purposes. And yes, like you mentioned before, I bet you do have quite a bit of weight. The route I was going to take would have called for ~5 sheets of 3/4, ~5 sheets of 1/2", and ~2-3 sheets of 1/8" all of that wrapped around 1x3 framing. I got to thinking....that's going to weigh as much as the jeep, and be twice as expensive! Haha. So, that's the story behind my framing now. Anyway, very cool build. Ready to see the progress. Subscribed!


Well tonight I managed to get the top bolted to the trailer. Finished screwing the plywood onto the side walls, just to take it back off to glue it all... also started installing the plywood on the rear of the camper, I need to cut it down to size, but I couldn't do it tonight because everyone was in bed... I will take more photos tomorrow as the progress grows.

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