I have the Nesco VS-02 vacuum sealer, I use it heavily and frequently and am absolutely enjoying it.
I bought it based on personal bias, my dehydrator and kettle are Nesco units, and I think that they're just downright functional and reliable. Thus far, this unit is proving to possess the same merits.
The built-in bag storage bay is a huge plus, as are the controls with pronounced Seal, Vacuum, Vacuum and Seal buttons and a selector that allows me to use a high or low-temp seal. I'm genuinely happy with it.
The only quirk is that you have to remember to not cut all the way through the bags on the roll, or you can't feed the next one out of the bay. To get around this, I slide the cutter up to the last two inches of material, pull the next run of bags out, and snip the join with scissors. Works every time.
You pretty much can't go wrong buying a vacuum sealer, just be sure to buy one that gives you the option to choose sealing, vacuuming, or the combination thereof. My old seal-A-Meal unit didn't give that option, and it was a pain in the backside.