The key to this is all in the choice of the truck you are buying. Buy the best example you can find in your price range. Most expensive is not always the best, as condition is more important than price. I paid 2500GBP($8413 total inc shipping to CA) for a working ambulance, which eliminates a whole slew of issue compared to a farm vehicle. I had 2 know issues when I bought it, costing less than a h$100 to fix them. As I am dis assembling the truck for my new drive train upgrade, there is very little surface rust on a couple spots on the chassis, and every panel looks like new after a soapy rag cleans it, so only a few new nuts and bolts needed. My costs are only for upgrades/freshening up in preparation for using the vehicle for our trip, not to make it road worthy. If I did not intend to use the truck to go down So America, I would be done where it is now. From this point on, it all maintenance parts, which are very inexpensive to buy from the UK compared to here. If you chose to buy a rusty vehicle from the start, you will need to spend a lot more to get the vehicle road worthy, and will be replacing a ton of parts as you go along. Spend the time to find a better example, and save a lot of time, energy, frustration, and cash. IMHO