Ok here is my context: we are planning to travel around the workd when I am retiring. That would be Europe, Central Asia, Australia and the Americas.
The vehicles I have in mind are a Ford Transit medium base wheel, high roof vs a Toyota Hilux long bed crew cabin
It will be 4 adults and we would like to use one vehicle. We are not sure for how long we will have the apetite to do this and for how long by brother in law and his wife will join us. They dont have the means to buy their own camper so I am thinking that they could buy a camper and I could tow it for as long as they want to join us
That is one of the items of the equation. Another one is the space available for living/driving for either two or four persons. Excepting when we sleep, when we are camped we would expect to spend a good amount of time in the van/truck especially if it is raining for extended periods of time. And the last two items of my equation would be the off road capabilities and the ability to ship the vehicle overseas.
We do not plan to go off road in an extreme way but we want to be able to drive on roads that are not that well maintained like in Asia or South america, mountain roads but still roads, crossing relatively shallow rivers but again nothing extreme.
An in vehicle shower is not a must but it would be good to have, it will definitely determine how long we travel for extended periods
I know there is van campers that can sleep and drive 4
I know there is pop up flat beds or one piece flat beds
I am also aware that a shower might be a challenge in a pop up camper and lifting a van camper might affect the atability of the vehicle. So these are pros and cons in each case
I need some feedback on the below:
- I would like to see some videos showing the off road capabilities of a van camper that was lifted or not I am not interested in quick demo movies done by companies or ppl who make a living off lifing vans but rather ppl like you and me who travel for extended time in various terrains
-I would like to know if it is feasible to tow a camper with a van camper
- as far as I understand shipping might also be different for a van since it is higher
-I am also looking for examples of ppl who traveled together like we plan to, 4 adults in a van or truck camper
-also I am interested to know which one has more space, a crew cabin truck flat bed or a van camper
Any info on the above would be much appreciated, thank you in advance
The vehicles I have in mind are a Ford Transit medium base wheel, high roof vs a Toyota Hilux long bed crew cabin
It will be 4 adults and we would like to use one vehicle. We are not sure for how long we will have the apetite to do this and for how long by brother in law and his wife will join us. They dont have the means to buy their own camper so I am thinking that they could buy a camper and I could tow it for as long as they want to join us
That is one of the items of the equation. Another one is the space available for living/driving for either two or four persons. Excepting when we sleep, when we are camped we would expect to spend a good amount of time in the van/truck especially if it is raining for extended periods of time. And the last two items of my equation would be the off road capabilities and the ability to ship the vehicle overseas.
We do not plan to go off road in an extreme way but we want to be able to drive on roads that are not that well maintained like in Asia or South america, mountain roads but still roads, crossing relatively shallow rivers but again nothing extreme.
An in vehicle shower is not a must but it would be good to have, it will definitely determine how long we travel for extended periods
I know there is van campers that can sleep and drive 4
I know there is pop up flat beds or one piece flat beds
I am also aware that a shower might be a challenge in a pop up camper and lifting a van camper might affect the atability of the vehicle. So these are pros and cons in each case
I need some feedback on the below:
- I would like to see some videos showing the off road capabilities of a van camper that was lifted or not I am not interested in quick demo movies done by companies or ppl who make a living off lifing vans but rather ppl like you and me who travel for extended time in various terrains
-I would like to know if it is feasible to tow a camper with a van camper
- as far as I understand shipping might also be different for a van since it is higher
-I am also looking for examples of ppl who traveled together like we plan to, 4 adults in a van or truck camper
-also I am interested to know which one has more space, a crew cabin truck flat bed or a van camper
Any info on the above would be much appreciated, thank you in advance
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