Dont wait long. Roads out will be parking lots. Miami Mayor just told folks thinking about leaving to go NOW.
Yup fuel has always been the issue. My grandfather lost his first plane in Florida in 43 I think. WWII surplus plane. He was just returning from his last transport flight when he had to take the Active AF rig to a safe zone. By the time he connected with a pilot buddy to fly his plane outathere no fuel left at the airport.People aren't going to get far. Most stations have no fuel.
I was hysterical laughing.
Just a few minutes ago I pulled into a gas station that had all the pumps covered with plastic bags except diesel. So I proceeded to fill my tank and as I was filling, everybody on the street thought the gas pumps working so they kept pulling up to me and asking do they have gas? My response nope just diesel.
I'm kinda evil lol
Maybe I'm skittish, but when in doubt, GTFO.
We've evacuated three times due to firestorms. Granted that's not the same amount of driving as what's needed to get out of the path of a hurricane, but I've got a family to protect. If I were in Florida yesterday, I'd be in north Georgia by today...