Since I've been looking at vans again, Google's AI is tracking me and showed me this company:
It is 3D design software for building a campervan. Has anyone used it, or a similar program? I have SketchUp but haven't spent the time to learn it. That Vanspace3D program is $20/yr. for unlimited use.
Thanks for any feedback!
vanspace 3D - #1 Van Design Software to Create Camper Van Layouts
Plan your camper van layout with vanspace 3D - The easy-to-use camper van design software to create floor plans for van and bus conversions.
It is 3D design software for building a campervan. Has anyone used it, or a similar program? I have SketchUp but haven't spent the time to learn it. That Vanspace3D program is $20/yr. for unlimited use.
Thanks for any feedback!