I then started putting the torque converter bolts on. I put a wrench on the main pulley and used a 2ft breaker bar. spun the engine about 1/4 turn and couldn't get it to move any further. I got 5 of the 6 torque converter bolts on and tried to see if the starter would turn it. just a nice loud click when tried. Figured it was either seized or hydrolocked. I did swap the injectors and the glowplugs. there was quite a bit of oil that dripped down into the chambers so I was hoping it was just hydrolocked. I gave up for the night.
the next day I removed the valve covers and took out the glowplugs. Still couldn't spin the engine by hand but was able to get it to spin with the starter. All sorts of oil sputtered out of the glowplug holes. put them back in and was able to turn the engine with the starter still. couldn't do it by hand with a 2ft breaker bar. I was still worried. I didn't take any pictures of this process at all.
tightened everything up and filled all the fluids. I still didn't have my uppipes so I waited. the next day I got my uppipes. I was planning on modifying my stock pipes with some bellows I ordered.
but when I took the stock collector off I noticed it had a couple cracks where the bolts go it. I didn't want to have it break apart on me so I looked for a new collector. found a collector with billowed pipes for $79. on ebay and figured, why not?
Well it turns out you get what you pay for. the new uppipes didn't fit at all. I figured the passenger side one was about 1/4in too long and the drivers side was about an inch too long. So I spent the next 2 days measuring and cutting and welding. Im not a fabricator, by any means. I do know how to use a welder. that's about it. Anyway I was able to penetrate through without creating any slag on the inside. outside looks real nice(crappy) but should work. I didn't have any gas for my gas mig. so I used my flux mig.
the passenger side ended up being real bad. it was cocked all weird so the collector wouldnt even seat on the turbo. so I had to do a bunch of cutting and bending and it still hits the exhaust.
the bend near the bellow was just way too far down. didn't match the factory at all.
art in progress.(I know it looks bad. lol.)
coat of exhaust paint and we are good.
all bolted up and everything is ready to go.
This weekend I spent all day Saturday cranking this thing. Crank for 20 seconds. then let it sit for another 10 minutes. ALL DAY. Sunday I cranked it for the better part of the morning. it tried to cough to life for a second but then the oil pressure gauge dropped and wouldn't build pressure. I spent a good amount of time googling how to start a 7.3. Went to a late late breakfast(like 2pm) and when I got back jumped in and tried to start. kicked to life for a solid minute then died. After about an hour of it doing that I was able to hold the throttle down half way to keep it running for about 15 minutes. then it idled for another 30 minutes. I revved it a bunch and it was running real nice. not smoking or anything. turned it off and started it up a few times. ran and started great.
Decided to go around the block and put some real load on it. ran fine at low throttle with little load on it. I then pushed the brake and gave it throttle to try and build boost and put some real load on it. the second it hit any boost it shut off. then wouldn't start again. cranked and cranked and cranked. nothing. let it sit for a few hours up the road. had a little bbq and grilled. came back to it and it started right up. drove it around for a few without giving a lot of throttle and it ran great. then I gave it a good amount of throttle and it shut off again. parked it and it would start again. This is the same issue that caused me to get it diagnosed before replacing the engine. got towed home and now it will start but immediately die. then not start for awhile. Im thinking maybe its my Hpop. works great at lower pressures but is going bad and cant produce higher pressures. its either that or more injectors. Everything else on this thing is new. I even replaced the hard fuel lines and the egr line. all sensors are new. alt and starter are new. ac compressor is rebuilt. ps pump is new. airpump is rebuilt. everything is new. I guess it could be the pcm or ecu or something on the van itself. I don't know at this point. Im going to try and ******** with it a bit more tonight. I did try to unplug the ICP sensor. it dies the same thing with it unplugged. IDK.