For the exhaust brake to work correctly, when you are going down hill, you need to be in the gear you would be to get up it!
that means that it will be "revving like feck" (I am familiar with the terminology) also the larger the engine size the more efficient, I will often drive a truck for hundreds of miles and only touch the foot brake a couple of times.
On the Merc 1617 as Nick says it has an air operated cylinder that shuts of the exhaust after the turbo, that builds up a back pressure in the cylinders so it restricts the piston movement and slows the truck. it also is connected to the throttle linkage and shuts the fuel off, all done mechanically and quite efficient.
with Ian`s 814 the same as mine, it is done in a similar style but electronically through the ECU, as with most ECU based trucks you have a few option`s with it....automatic-comes on in throttle off, but regulated by the revs. brake assist- comes on while braking. manual- use on stalk switch when required. off!
As you say Ian they are not so good as the big trucks but are a help.
They can be so good on the older & big trucks, that their use on the "Mont Blonc" is banned at night, because they reverberate through the mountains so loud that it wakes all the inhabitants!
If you want a truly efficient system to retro fit, the best is an electronic retarder fitted in the drive line Telma and Webasto do them, they are so good that I have worked on trucks and coaches fitted with them that the normal brakes have seized up! through lack of use.
If money and weight were not an issue it would be a must, they are also progressive in use and can bring you to a stop.
Upshot Ian have it revving like feck to make it work.