beware internet legal advice
It always makes me smile when internet K9 experts imply that Narcotics K9 Officers conduct "false positives" in furtherance of some nefarious goal.......with close to 800,000 LEOs and 75,000 K9's in the US that's some conspiracy. Curious if these experts have ever gone through the K9 handler selection process (including S/TS clearance for federal work), handled a K9, conducted a search, trained, certified and documented the use of a K9 (FYI...too many "False Positives" sets the K9 up to be de-certified, lose credibility in the eyes of the LEA, LEO's, Prosecutor, Defense and Judge) in state and federal court, been crossed in court by "experts" and ultimately prevailed in court or their knowledge base comes from a different perspective
In reality, your question has everything to do with the Supreme Court position on the 4th amendment and each states interpretation and application of the current SCOTUS case law. Here's the basic rules regarding motor vehicle search and seizure.
- Search Warrant Exceptions:
- Motor vehicle exception
- Plain view exception
- Extenuating circumstances exception
- Consent (verbal or written)
- Probable Cause based on K9 hit (state by state)
- Search warrant requirement based on totality of circumstances and/or jurisdiction/policy or law.
- The states intrepation of your vehicle as a RV (private residence) or motor vehicle thereby requiring a search warrant or not.
Generally speaking, not legally speaking, a RV may fall into the area requiring a Search Warrant prior to an Officer conducting a search. This includes a positive K9 hit. The Search must either be granted verbally, in writing or by a Warrant issued by a Court. Most states recognize an RV as having a higher level of privacy (similiar to your home) then a car and generally lean towards requiring a Search Warrant versus the the Motor Vehicle exception. Again, this is State by State based on current law or policy.
As for a safe/lockbox, most traffic LEOs aren't worried about a safe in the family RV providing it's not a dashboard drop safe that a weapon could quickly deploy from (again, dependent on current ccw law) If your traveling along the "drug courier" routes and come across drug interdiction units (specially trained LEO's and K9s) and they have traffic PC to stop you, while they maybe a little more interested in your safe since theirtheir training and experience may lead them to believe it may hold contraband. Again, even with reasonable articulable suspicion, trafficstop PC, legal stop, your behavior, drug trafficking route, K9 hit, again depending on jurisdictions interpretation, they may still require consent, written consent or a SW.
I wouldn't worry about it unless crossing borders and then declare it! Common sense will prevail. Good luck.