I'm looking at camera systems for my rig and feel like it's coming down to a decision between the two systems from Rear View Safety linked below. The main difference is in the monitors. I'd mount either of them as a replacement for the rearview mirror. One offers full HD (1920x1080p) and four input channels, but no multiplexing. The other offers lower resolution (800x480p) and three input channels with multiplexing. I can live with either three or four input channels, so it comes down to which is more important, resolution or multiplexing. What do you all think? I imagine that my standard use case would be one camera at a time, e.g. backup or approach cam. It might be nice to be able to have dedicated approach cams for each of the front wheels for really technical spotting, but that's a pretty uncommon use case for me. Hmm, maybe I just answered my own question.