It sounds like in the absence of a miracle there are times it just is not feasible to take your buddy along. If your air can't keep up opening a window and importing really hot air is a no go IMHO. We ended up getting a vehicle to fit the dog, pretty weird huh?
I put a Spal fan in front of my truck's ac condenser, it does help a bit when in traffic.
There is a post by a member, Raya, I believe, he did something like you did with the fan it may be worth looking that up.
I remembered and looked it up. Post #22.I put a Spal fan in front of my truck's ac condenser, it does help a bit when in traffic.
There is a post by a member, Raya, I believe, he did something like you did with the fan it may be worth looking that up.
Glad to see the amount of time and activity you spend with your guy. Team is the word that comes to my mind. Cheers.Yeah, that's why I take him weather permitting. As said before.
To each their own, I don't keep him inside the house or limit his time outside when it's really hot out so some time in the truck with a fan blowing on him isn't that bad in my opinion.
I didn't get a dog to keep him locked in a kennel, he gets to stick his head out the window and smell new smells and see new things instead of being locked away in his box, we like to go for rides and do things together.
He gets pissed if I don't take him somewhere every day even if it's just running to the store to grab a drink for me, and usually some cheese for him. I feel like 5 minutes in the truck with a fan blowing on him isn't the end of the world.
And just so your aware the fan I have moves about 50 percent more air than the ones the k9's use in their systems so sometimes spending more money doesn't mean it's any better and in this case would mean it's actually not as good.
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Interesting, I had considered something like that but didn't want to deal with packing something else away every day but the small fans across the top under a rain visor is very attractive. Since this is primarily for the dog I'm not sure I'd want to lose that much airflow, my fan does 750cfm on high and his appears to do around 150-250cfm. His probably, definitely, uses less electricity on high and is easier to put a rain guard on plus it isn't a permanent install for future resale.I remembered and looked it up. Post #22.
Window insert for 12VDC fan ventilation
As a general rule of thumb, (for passive intakes) they should be 2x the exhaust. So if using two 120mm fans' you'd want four 4" intakes. Stay away from bends or ducting on any kind. ...more drag/resistance is created n' not worth the hassle. I've been contemplating how to do this setup
Please post pics of your efforts as I'm positive many others face similar issues.Interesting, I had considered something like that but didn't want to deal with packing something else away every day but the small fans across the top under a rain visor is very attractive. Since this is primarily for the dog I'm not sure I'd want to lose that much airflow, my fan does 750cfm on high and his appears to do around 150-250cfm. His probably, definitely, uses less electricity on high and is easier to put a rain guard on plus it isn't a permanent install for future resale.
I plan on keeping the truck till I blow it up, my standard deal with vehicles, so resale isn't a big concern for me.
I do believe mine is stronger and could withstand a break in attempt better than his, I leave that window wide open and the passenger windows cracked a few inches when the fan is running and I'm going into a store for a minute. It would hurt me if the truck got stolen and it would destroy me if they got my Manco.
Pros and cons as always, I appreciate you finding the link. Always good to see other ideas that people make, the whole get a reflector thing doesn't really work nearly as well as the fan and that's not really a fun project. Kind of feels like a cheapshot for the dogs comfort and I'm willing to go the extra mile for him. I almost put in a stand alone ac in the back for him from stuff I got from work but I couldn't get everything to fit right.
At some point I'll make a lexan louvered thing for both sides to keep the weather out while the windows are open. I have screens to keep the bugs out already so I'm pretty close to getting done with the main project and the associated peripherals.
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There are pictures posted, is there anything in particular you wanted to see?Please post pics of your efforts as I'm positive many others face similar issues.