I read everybody's comments before watching the first video. From my perspective it looked like a European movie, made for the Scyfy channel..If it was a real situation, then why add the action music, a few seconds into it and the camera guy is standing behind a strap and shackle . Big dumb no no, even if it was wet. Well they got a nice underbody cleaning. On another note, I've found myself in some situations I should not have been experiencing and made it out alive through apparently correct decisions which Mother Nature agreed with. Wether it was real or not it looked almost fun. Would I want to be in that situation, no I think not. Are they guilty of making mistakes? Of course, we all are, it's one of the main reasons I'm on this forum . To preemptively keep myself from making stupid mistakes.
That is all I have to say.
Be well.


Coming soon......a blue 110 for sale on eBay "excellent condition, never offroaded".....
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New member
If remounts the Defender seeing how it looks after the accident proves to be a real "Landrovero" and lover of the brand, because if I had not sent to a recycling center that would have been cheaper, so I'm sure not will put on sale, especially as the license of Defender and Spain is not passed as in the US, in Spain the license is attached to the vehicle for life and not the owner so that everyone who has seen the video (this for many amateur pages) and would know. This experience serves him and us, to know what should and should not do in a situation like that.

A greeting.

Ole tus huevos Albert por haberlo metido a camino y tenerlo caminando.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Well the video was done by AGR even a video for a group of friends can come out nice with good editing and a soundtrack.

More than anything I think the value of this video is what we can take away to do differently ourselves in the future rather than pick on what was already done.

This event happened in Spain I assume since that is where the poster is from. Moutains maybe? Either way when rain is the reason the water is rising there is a serious risk of debris in the water rushing at you so make sure in the dark to use a spotter to watch upstream for something coming at the person in the water.
Also rushing water is much much more powerful than standing so please be very careful about walking in it.
Not to mention the level the water rose just during the recovery action...from bumper height to over the hood.

Getting a camera shot with a line under tension is not worth if they were using a long lens and it just looked like the cameraman was next to the line then I am sorry.

Staying overnight...always the best option, unless it isn't. If the water would have taken days to get lower, if someone was injured, if there was absolutely NO OTHER option then ok cross. But if all that happens is I get a no show at work then at least I a great story.
Getting washed downstream and a bonk on the head, broken bones and such is not worth my vehicle. So this would be a good time to make sure we all have a ditch bag for overnight stays. Remember you can go 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water but not too much time in terrible weather so be ready for that.

The only other thing I would take away is to make sure not to rush when in a recovery just becase the weather is bad...rain, cold, wind, all these make us move faster and mess things up.

Thanks for posting if for no other reason that to help us help ourselves.


Yeah, thanks for posting. Nice camera and editing and a good campfire story to tell afterwards. Glad no one was hurt. Glad I wasn't with you when it all went down. Glad you recorded and shared it.


Tour Guide
I found the videos both entertaining and educational. I feel badly for those involved especially that beautiful 110 TDI. Thanks for posting. I hope you were not turned off the negative comments, and continue posting here.


Expedition Leader
I liked it. I get the safety thing but to each his own. I have been in public safety for years. It all boils down to choices. People regardless of law or warnings are going to do what they are comfy with. What is dangerous for some may be just another day at the office for someone else. Bad stuff will happen regardless.

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It is a great video, thanks for posting.

I know that in some places in Europe when it rains the river and such can rise very fast

Strange negativ posting here from some people, probably jealous:sombrero:

Everybody raves over Camel Troophy, this looks like the same for me, so why is Camel Troophy good and this is bad?

The also have this video, and many more here

Hi many thanks for your comment.I try to do the best quality videos to portray nice landscapes and land rover action as well.I love camel trophy videos I have got all of them that was a real adventure.I'll keep posting new videos of my adventures,expeditions to share.

High Center

Great video, experience...

Interestingly some of the response to this GREAT VIDEO is indicative of the new American mindset. Post a sign, build a guard rail, put up a fence, establish a rule, hire a cop....etc.
Only those qualified to get you silly civilians out of trouble can make the accurate decisions pertaining to risk.....bollocks.

Oddly- in my 24 years of professional/full time/this is how I make my living, Search and Rescue I have found this ethic most evident in volunteers. I am in no way knocking them mind you...a lot of agencies would not be able to do what they do without those accountants cum burly, experience scarred, weekend rescuers.

So please, pro and volunteer alike- give it a rest. Stop taking yourself so seriously. There are other adults present and believe it or not....they are capable of making their own risk calculations.

....and if you are so jarred by risking your life or going out...change careers or stop being the first volunteer to leap at the call.

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