So I've been using the adapter that came with my Optima to hold the battery down. Although it does do it's job, the battery still had some play sitting in the tray, so I decided to beef up the mount with a few parts from Napa:
I basically used the J hooks, drilled a couple holes in the battery tray, and held it down with the black bar. Battery is solid as a rock now.
I also kept rubbing my driver side tire on my washer fluid bottle at full flex, so went ahead and removed it and fabbed up a new one under the hood. It's significantly smaller than the stock (maybe a 1/2 gallon reservoir), but does the job and is out of the way. Credit goes to 85IrocZ-28 for the idea, but I changed my design a little.
First I picked up a universal coolant tank from Napa (Part #730-4514), and prepped a spot under my hood to mount it. I liked the idea of keeping it far away from the motor and out of the way. You can see in this picture the spot I picked. You have to cut a stud out of the way so the tank sits flush with the fender, and remove the plastic tray the wires sit in for best fit.
Drilled a couple holes on the right side of the tank, about three inches apart, as low as I can go. I used a small drill bit to get my exact starting point and then used a step bit.
Make sure not to go too big. You want the grommets/motors to have a nice tight fit to avoid leaking fluid.
Then I popped the motors in place on the tank, sat it in place and shot a couple self tapping screws into the inside fender lip. The tank comes with a couple mounting tabs on it.
I then shortened my hose lines to a nice length and installed them on the motors. Now, it was time for wiring. I pulled back the electrical tape and wire molding until I had all the wiring exposed. There will be your three washer fluid connectors, fog light wiring and grounds. I snipped my fog light wiring a long time ago. I put some new wire molding on all the wires, taped it up real nice and re-routed it back towards my motors. Threw a couple zip ties in place, and there ya go. No re-wiring or splicing necessary. I opted to just connect the two motors and not install the fluid low sensor.
Make sure to place a cap of some kind over the outlet on the bottom of the tank. This will not be used.