Wait times on retail trailers under current conditions.


Active member
Who thinks the wait time on a retail built trailer will drop quite a bit after this Covid issue gets worked out? I would imagine there will be a lot of economic heartache after this ends and disposable income might drop for this type of purchase. It may be very bad for these small startup builders.


Most will just disappear.

The impact on wait times is not predictable, and considering the meteor-hitting-the-earth disruption already starting

an extremely petty if not irrelevant thing to speculate about.


Active member
Most will just disappear.

The impact on wait times is not predictable, and considering the meteor-hitting-the-earth disruption already starting

an extremely petty if not irrelevant thing to speculate about.
Maybe petty and irrelevant to you but not to all.


My point is that it could be much worse than the Great Depression, more like a Mad Max + zombie apocalypse scenario, most people on food assistance for years type of stuff.

So Marie Antoinette wondering how the pastry shops will fare is not a great look.


Active member
Following that logic posting on an Overlanding website amounts to about the same if you have such a doom and gloom outlook on things.


Well-known member
I would not worry about wait times, I'd worry about solvency.
I'm betting many of the shops with 6 month lead times will just disappear.... with the deposits.


It’s a legitimate question, but I would suggest that we, as a community think about this in terms of how do we help each other continue to enjoy this activity we love.

Who knows, maybe this challenge will remind us all to think about the fundamental reasons we are involved in overlanding in the first place. I know for me it was about experiencing the outdoors and learning about different places and people.

I admit the gear fetish creeps in for me periodically, but at times like these, with a parked rig, I’d trade it all to drive some POS to a secluded spot and spend a few evenings with a campfire and stars.

So if you come through this with some disposable income left, by all means spend it anyway you like. If that helps keep the businesses that provide the services and gear we have had the benefit of, that’s wonderful. Let’s not judge their good fortune, or good planning.

I’m afraid many of us won’t be so lucky and will be facing some difficult times ahead. Hopefully we can help a friend (or stranger) who is struggling to recover from this challenge to get out and remember the enjoyment that comes from exploring a new place with some good people.

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