WANTED - College Grad Seeking Entry Level Expo Rig.


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Hey guys,

I'm constantly lurking on this forum and drooling over everyones overland rigs. They all look amazing but damn are they expensive (understandably so)

My rent prices are skyrocketing, and I have student to pay off, so I'm looking for a camper to full-time in. Since I can't yet afford a unimog (sigh) I am looking for a reliable van or a good truck camper.

It seems like the average price of a truck and camper / camper van on this site is 20k plus.

I'm wondering if anyone has any lesser priced rigs they want to get rid of. >$5000.

I'm located in Whistler, BC so anything in the PNW is ideal.

Thanks in advance.

- Brian


You don't need an expensive rig with a fridge, sleeping quarters, kitchen kit and titanium flatware to enjoy the outdoors in a vehicle. Almost anything with 4wd will get you to a lot of fun places.


You really want to full-time it in a vehicle on a budget? It's totally doable. I've been living out of my truck for the past three years while working my way through grad school. I paid $10k for my Tacoma with 100k miles and $2k for a used Flip-Pac and carpet kit. Since then I've put 300k miles on the truck with minimal repairs. If I were you, I'd look for a stock 1st gen Tacoma 4x4 (mods are nice if they don't inflate the price too much). The e-locker on the TRD is worth paying extra for. The extended cab is nice for extra storage and for being able to recline the seats for a nap. You can upgrade the suspension later when the stock one wears out. I'm saying 1st gen because there's less stuff to break than on the newer models and they're less expensive to fix when they do break.

Now for the camper. I've loved my Flip-Pac for dry-climate camping and I see them listed used for $1-$2k (check wanderthewest.com). But you're in the PNW. Not dry. The rainfly for the Flip-Pac is a pain. You could make do with a fiberglass shell and carpet kit (sleeping platform with storage underneath) until you can afford something fancier. You can build the platform inexpensively from plywood; lots of DIY guides online.

You don't need an expensive rig with a fridge, sleeping quarters, kitchen kit ...

Now for making this livable. I don't have a fridge, but I do have an expensive and very worth it Yeti cooler. It doubles as a step up into the truck, and as a table next to a camp chair.

Sleeping comfort matters. A roof-top tent would be a great addition when you can afford it. They show up used on Wander the West now and then. I keep ear plugs for windy nights and a sleeping mask for full moons.

Hygiene. Keep a shovel and toilet paper; I've gotten very used to digging a hole in the morning. I have a pressure shower for bathing in warm weather. It's great and it doubles as running water for doing dishes, etc.. I just set it up on the ground by my tailgate and hang the nozzle over one of the cables that support the tailgate on the sides. After a morning run, it's not bad for a shower in cool weather. That shower is really good about not leaking, but for transport I keep it in a plastic tub (restaurant dish tub) just in case. I also use the showers at the pool at the university. That's really nice in winter, when I'm otherwise limited to sponge baths from a pot of warm water.

Power. This is the 21st century, after all. One of these days I'll set up a fancy dual-battery system with solar charging. Until then, I have a GoalZero Sherpa 100 for nightly charging of my cell phone, etc. It'll last a week or so of phone charging and lighting at night before it needs to be charged, and it can be charged via solar or 12v from your vehicle. For lighting I have a few more Goal Zero products, a couple Light-a-Life units for the Sherpa and a couple Lighthouse Mini lanterns. And I have an embarrassing number of headlamps.

Let us know how it goes!


my van

Im selling my camper van for 7000.00
1 van.JPG


I've been living out of my truck for the past three years while working my way through grad school. I paid $10k for my Tacoma with 100k miles and $2k for a used Flip-Pac and carpet kit. Since then I've put 300k miles on the truck with minimal repairs.

You've put 300k miles on your truck in 3 years?! 100k miles per year?? What kind of work are you doing that requires roughly 2,000 miles of driving every week for years on end?


Ha! That's what I get for not telling the full story. I have not put the 300k miles on it in three years, more like ten years. The bulk of those have been in the past seven years, during which I've been commuting weekly between opposite corners of New Mexico. It was about three years ago that I got the idea to save money by living out of it out in the desert during the week when I'm in southern NM. As for my line of work, I'm a biologist, currently doing rare plant surveys. Current milage averages about 1k/week.
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That's cool. One of my good friends is a biologist who does studies/surveys on things like the desert tortoise habit in NV. It's the perfect career for her because she likes getting outdoors and having solitude for long stretches at a time.


New member
IMO - your best option would be to buy a cheap stock rig (cherokee,4runner) that was taken care of all its life, and build it yourself. you will not be able to beat the experience for the price. i built a very capable cherokee with all the goodies, that i drove 11,000 miles in 6 weeks in for 8000$ all said and done. you could have parked the thing at a car show. i ended up selling it for 12,000$ after the trip.


New member
Woah thanks for all the replies guys. Helpful for sure. Since posting this I've been doing a lot of thinking on what I need.

Pop-tops and tent set ups wont work well for me because I hope to bring my set up into the winter time.

Also, (and yes I know this is exepedition portal haha) I dont think I need crazy offroading ability. Definitely 4x4 for getting up service roads or getting to hard to reach surf spots, but I'd be willing to sacrifice super beefed up suspension for living comfort.

I appreciate all the help!

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