WANTED: Land Cruiser mechanic/service center in the Denver area - must be reliable!


New member

I have a 16 year old TLC (4x4, auto tranny) with a weird sound coming from the front axles. Took vehicle to Boulder Toyota and they quoted 4,500.00 to replace this and that, etc plus labor. Another local wanted 2,500.00 for the same thing. The math does not add up in either case. Can someone suggest a local (Front Range) service/mechanic that knows TLC's inside/out that can do an independent evaluation and show me exactly what is wrong and explain why I need to dish out a bunch of cash...I would appreciate a reply to Sergio at explore@explorebolivia.com Thanks very much.


Expedition Leader
I would go to slee offroad in golden.


I have a 16 year old TLC (4x4, auto tranny) with a weird sound coming from the front axles. Took vehicle to Boulder Toyota and they quoted 4,500.00 to replace this and that, etc plus labor. Another local wanted 2,500.00 for the same thing. The math does not add up in either case. Can someone suggest a local (Front Range) service/mechanic that knows TLC's inside/out that can do an independent evaluation and show me exactly what is wrong and explain why I need to dish out a bunch of cash...I would appreciate a reply to Sergio at explore@explorebolivia.com Thanks very much.[/QUOTE]


New member
Mountain States Toyota is much cheaper than Boulder Toyota. I could not afford Boulder Toyota for 100k mile services on my toyotas so I did receive a quote from Mountain States and saved over 40 percent with them and same day service. However bt,s counter parts prices are not bad. Slee is a good shop as stated.


Slee's knowledge base is amazing... Even if I haven't been there before, their help is amazing over the phone...



I have a 16 year old TLC (4x4, auto tranny) with a weird sound coming from the front axles. Took vehicle to Boulder Toyota and they quoted 4,500.00 to replace this and that, etc plus labor. Another local wanted 2,500.00 for the same thing. The math does not add up in either case. Can someone suggest a local (Front Range) service/mechanic that knows TLC's inside/out that can do an independent evaluation and show me exactly what is wrong and explain why I need to dish out a bunch of cash...I would appreciate a reply to Sergio at explore@explorebolivia.com Thanks very much.

If you are looking for Denver, then Slee is a good choice. If you are in Boulder, Robbie (Adventure Offroad) has a shop in boulder and does great work. Especially if your 16 year old Cruiser is an 80 series :-D Maybe also consider posting up on the Rising Sun Forum as well as browsing for shop recommendations there. The Denver/Boulder area is a great place to be for cruiser shops.



New member
Redline Land Cruisers in Colorado Springs, Justin is the ONLY guy (and staff) I let work on my LC. Unless what you need is welding, if you need heavy duty welding done, framing etc, then go to Parks Industries in Rifle Colorado, I live in Colorado Springs, and yes I drive to Parks to get the heavy work done.

white wings

New member
If you are looking for Denver, then Slee is a good choice. If you are in Boulder, Robbie (Adventure Offroad) has a shop in boulder and does great work. Especially if your 16 year old Cruiser is an 80 series :-D Maybe also consider posting up on the Rising Sun Forum as well as browsing for shop recommendations there. The Denver/Boulder area is a great place to be for cruiser shops.

This ^


You might also call Comprehensive Car Care or RSG Off Road. They aren't LC specialists like Slee, but they are competent shops that know their way around Toyotas. I've had great experiences at both of these shops.

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