Wanted: Operations Manger for Overland Rentals in Denver

Dave in AZ

Well-known member
Yah, at first I felt bad for the advertiser and edited my post... now I just check here everyday to see the funny.

Minimum wage for someone working 8 hr days, 5 days a week, is $38k in Denver! If asking for on call, phone support from home, Sat work, this basically equals minimum wage! Same as a kid working McDonald's cash register or cleaning tables...

The following are the minimum wages in the state starting Jan. 1, 2024: Colorado (statewide) – $14.42, Denver – $18.29

Deleted Member 183

Well-known member
Same as a kid working McDonald's cash register or cleaning tables...
But lets not forget the value of "getting in the door" of the GLAMOROUS Overland/ Expedition vehicle industry! :ROFLMAO:

Ambitious young "star'ie eyed" kids can/ should learn a valuable lesson from mans best friend... "Don't S*it Where You Eat"!


This is the best thread someone could find while looking for the perfect Overland Industry Operations Job. Lots of good information in the first 3 pages about what to look for/avoid. 🍿


Active member
OP can’t find the time to respond to or delete this thread because he’s too busy doing all of the stuff he want the new person to do…

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