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I am looking for a vehicle for boondocking in the Canadian arctic/subarctic for one month, where the temperature will often be around -40 F. Here are the basic requirements:
- Vehicle can maintain the interior temperature 24/7 at 55 F or warmer.
- Supports 1-2 people inside.
- Engine and other systems will start and work in the extreme cold. Unless vehicle will run continually for a month, it needs to be able to start in the extreme cold after it has been shutdown for some period.
- In the ideal world, the vehicle will have running water during this period. Otherwise, if this isn't possible, bottled water will suffice.
- Vehicle can be driven on and off-road over long distances. That is, it's durable, has sufficient ground clearance, rugged suspension, etc.
- Vehicle can be used.
- Price - Less than USD $100k.
- The vehicle does not need TV.
- Vehicle will be used 24/7 during this period.
- No gas station or mechanic will be within 100 miles.
- Vehicle might tow a small fuel trailer to serve as an auxiliary fuel tank. This could then be used to help run a heater. However, the tuel trailer would need to be useable in the extreme cold. And, it shouldn't require a driver's license that is different than what is needed for the main vehicle.
- Vehicle could have a small pellet stove to help heat it. It would then need to have significant storage space for enough bags of wood pellets to keep it running for a month. The pellet stove would also need a source of electricity to run its motors.
- If there isn't sufficient sun for solar, vehicle could generate some power using 1-2 small wind turbines, such as the Airdolphin Mark Zero Off Grid Small Wind Turbine 24V.