Weekend Video


Normally I aspire to the "if you don't have anything nice to say..." attitude, but when they start chopping at the branches of a living tree just because it might hit their lights up top, I gotta call 'lame'.


pwc said:
Normally I aspire to the "if you don't have anything nice to say..." attitude, but when they start chopping at the branches of a living tree just because it might hit their lights up top, I gotta call 'lame'.

I rather not answer......


I'm curious what the answer is. Why'd they need to hack it up instead of just holding it over the top of the trucks?

The rest of it looks like some good wheeling and a fun day.


pwc said:
I'm curious what the answer is. Why'd they need to hack it up instead of just holding it over the top of the trucks?

The rest of it looks like some good wheeling and a fun day.

give it a rest ,go do some wheeling or something


LUISJG said:
give it a rest ,go do some wheeling or something

Seemed like a legitimate question to me. I can see moving a dead tree off the road, but this was just a wash and you guys were hacking off a large live branch to clear some lights. Just looking for some justification here is all, no need to tell people to give it a rest. You posted the video.


well i dont see anything wround in cutting a branch,its not like we are cutting the complete tree, it doesnt hurt it at all.

every thing in moderation is not bad.

there are people like you guys that take it to the extreme, with out thinking if its in fact bad. , reminds me of PETA , and other conservation fanatics that trying to close complete acces to the texas Pins , beach.

also i cant believe im even discussing this LOL ,,every one cuts branches of trees, in their back yards etc,,,

man,,,,,,,,,,! in fact I just dont care to discuss this and waste my time. ,your entiteled to your own opinion , so be it, .
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LUISJG said:
well i dont see anything wround in cutting a branch,its not like we are cutting the complete tree, it doesnt hurt it at all.

every thing in moderation is not bad.

there are people like you guys that take it to the extreme, with out thinking if its in fact bad. , reminds me of PETA , .

Thanks for the clarification, I agree with your first 2 points, but that last point is way off base IMO. :rolleyes:


I'm no extremist, I just think hacking a branch over a wash because you might hit your lights is lame. It doesn't hurt it at all??? Huh? Ok, try cutting all the branches off and see how long it lives. "That tree didn't want that branch there anyway, it didn't need it."
That's the kind of fodder that gives the exxtremists grounds for closing things. Just edit out that part and it's a fine video. I'll pretend I never saw it. :)
Hey Luis,

Great video man, please feel free to post more in the future as I highly enjoyed it! :26_7_2:

Great sound track! Good music makes or breaks a video :rockon:

I like your sense of humor, its good :costumed-smiley-007

Looks like some good friends having a hell of a time there, bet it was a blast

Please don't take offense at any comments made above, everyone here would invite more posts and info we all simply abide by the "Tread Lightly" rule and some have different levels of what that means - when on the trail, leave things the way they were when you found them - is basically what the fellas are tryn to say

But cutting a branch gives less offense than all the damn tires marks left all over the west by rock crawlers on red rocks in my opinion and yes, we all have made our mark from time to time no biggy, but I understand how you feel about the comments and how the posters feel about making them too -

small request by me though, and this goes to all of you~! - next time could you end the video by hiring some hawtties to scrub the vehicles clean in provocative swim wear! I think then the fellas might be more forgiving of future enviromental offenses :wings:



Z O O R O P A said:
Hey Luis,

small request by me though, and this goes to all of you~! - next time could you end the video by hiring some hawtties to scrub the vehicles clean in provocative swim wear! I think then the fellas might be more forgiving of future enviromental offenses :wings:


I did something like that once and my avatar got banned on another forum


pwc said:
It doesn't hurt it at all??? Huh? Ok, try cutting all the branches off and see how long it lives.

Actually, that isn't entirely true. Some species you can cut them completely down to ground level and they will come back.

I did that with some citrus trees in my back yard. I cut them down and removed their water supply, for enviromental reasons in the desert. Citrus trees are high water use plants. So I took my chainsaw (a little irony)...and cut those water wasters down.

Well, low and behold....no water...cut to the ground...and they still came back.

...anything that has that kind of will to live, deserves to stay...they are 4 feet tall now.:Wow1: Now they better bare fruit or I am yanking them out with my truck. ;)

A little branch trimming is just "Trail Maintenance"


Ok, I was wrong. that tree really wanted its limb chopped off. Let's take out as many trees as we want to make a trail (mind you, in the video there is someone going AROUND that tree in the background). Go ahead, it's ok, they don't mind. tell the Tread Lightly people they are crackpots too.

Who would have known chopping off all the branches we wanted and putting it on a video on the internet wouldn't get trails closed by those that don't wheel. If you don't think someone on "the other side" won't use that video and use it as evidence that that area should be closed to offroading, you're wrong.

It's not so much doing it, as doing it and advertising it on the internet that's just not good for offroading in general.


pwc said:
It's not so much doing it, as doing it and advertising it on the internet that's just not good for offroading in general.

PWC..this is nothing against you...

I do understand your point. I tread lightly as well as I can. Even using the term "Offroading" can be used against us. I guess the PC thing to say would be "Off-Highway or Off-Pavement traveling on established trails and roads" Jeep even advertises their "Off-Road" vehicles going down unmarked trails and creeks. http://www.jeep.com/en/wranglers/gallery.html If you look through their site, through the eyes of the non-offroader. One would expect that Jeep is promoting their vehicles to people who want to run amuck through the land. Should we protest Jeep?

The whole extreme enviromentalist is getting a bit silly don't you think? The biggest problem for us offroaders and the environment is people's greed.

Those stripmalls and housing developments don't seem to be slowing down the last time I checked. The single track I used to ride on is now graded under and have cookie cutter houses on it. Those are far more detrimental to the enviroment, than me cutting a branch or two; to keep it from wacking me in the face.

This is quoted from a ridding buddy from another issue....(and again please don't take this in the wrong way...I believe we ALL must be good stewards for the earth)

This quote pretty much sums up my views and thoughts on some (not all) enviromentalist.

"If you see OHV users as ecoterrorists because of the footprint they leave on the land, then I am sure you will agree that in fact you are an ecoterrorist as well, as you drive an automobile (I am assuming, I know...), you post on the mostly coal powered internet on a computer built with petroleum based products and mined minerals, and as a more direct comparison, if you hike in the woods, you become a recognized predeator to any prey species you might encounter. If you are not aware that the difference between my impacts as a motorcyclist and yours as an US citizen are essentially inconsequential, you are living in denial. Now, I would like to apologise in advance if in fact you walk everywhere, you live in a cave in the woods and survive on nuts and berries that you picked yourself and were somehow able to post your comments here through magical psychic powers."

Anthony who made that comment used to be extreme enviromentalist. After some time in deep thought he realized what a hyprocrit he was and came over to the dark side. [/a little sarcasm] :)
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