Weekend Wandering in the Mojave Desert


The plan was to leave Helendale, CA on Saturday morning and do a ~100 mile loop through the high desert to explore some places I had wanted to see for a long time. The weather forecasted was to be warm but with sustained winds of up to 25 mph, that can really take the fun out of a trip but we weren't about to let that stop us. There were four couples, two kids, and two dogs in three jeeps and an LR3.


From Helendale we headed North on dirt and crossed Hwy 58 then through the Abengoa Mojave Solar Project. No pics here, we were making good time headed to our first stop. I happened to look to my right just off trail and noticed a memorial of some sort. We got out and took a peak.



It was a memorial for David Cooley, a test pilot flying the F22 Raptor when he crashed near Lockhart Basin in 2009. The flag even had solar lights installed to keep it lit up at night, very cool.

We climbed back into the trucks and unfortunately our pace slowed considerably, we were in dirt bike country and the roads were all whooped out. We pressed on through wide, beautiful valleys onto our next stop, another memorial called the Husky Monument. Back in the '90's a group of friends concreted in place a Husqavarna dirtbike of a friend they had lost and the place became a memorial for many desert racers and off roaders. I had been wanting to get out there ever since a desert racing friend of mine passed away. It was a good thing I had the trusty Garmin because that place is OUT THERE. It's a good 30 miles from the nearest paved road and hidden in a place where you wouldn't just come across it. The ride was totally worth it, I was blown away by the quality of monuments, there were some bona fide artisans at work here.



My buddy Duane, nicknamed "Tree" because of his large stature, gave me his chest protector many years back and I placed it with the other memorials. Roost on brother.

We had some lunch and enjoyed the warm sun. The wind wasn't nearly as bad as we all thought it would be, just a few gusts here and there. The ride to our next destination was my favorite type of high desert scenery: long, wide valleys that seem to go on forever. The solitude of the Mojave blows me away every time I visit.


We continued Southeast towards the Black Mtn Wildnerness Area which was to be our camp spot for the night. We arrived before dusk and found a decent spot just off the road in Black Canyon. The wind was somewhat muted there but would still make it's presence known. We quickly set up camp and got the chairs out for some relaxing.


We decided to do a quick sunset drive and just explore around the mountain. We followed the trail that encircles the base and found this cool spot on the Northeast side. We hiked up to a ridge and watched the sunset on one side and the moon rise on the other, it was perfect!


We had a great fire that night and I cooked a T-bone in my trusty cast iron pan in the fire. Our friends Emily and Tyler were especially adventurous - Jumbalaya in a dutch oven. It turned out awesome! The moon was super bright and the wind turned out to be not a problem at all.

Part 2 coming soon.


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We rose slowly the next day and enjoyed the canyon, the kids got to explore and we all went for a quick hike. We packed up and headed to our next spot to explore, an old camp called "Scout's Cove" From what I've read on the net it was created by miners a long time ago. It is an 8x10 room carved into solid rock with even a chimney hole to have a fire inside. Unfortunately people have not been taking very good care of it, I had seen pics of it in better times on the net. We picked up a bunch of trash and broken glass and decided to spend a weekend there sometime. Then we could really help the place out.

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We had originally intended to exit the area via Black Canyon Road and view some of the petroglyphs there but the Opal Mountain Road leading away from Scouts Cover looked fun and we decided to take that route. It turned out to be an awesome jeep trail with some great climbs and awesome scenery.


A little further South we stopped to tighten a strap that has loosened up and my wife saw not one but TWO desert tortoises just off the road. I have been camping in the desert my entire life and hadn't seen one yet! We even saw their den a few feet away, how lucky. We kept our distance and admired their beauty.




We continued south and saw a definite change in the scenery, we were getting a few Joshua trees out there. Our next area to explore is called the Rainbow Basin Natural Area. It's a one-way graded road through some tight canyons. The hills take on all sorts of colors and awesome formations.


Our final stop of the weekend and a place I've wanted to visit for years was up next: the Calico Ghost Town. I've passed it on the way to Vegas a dozen times but never stopped we were finally going to check it out!


We paid the 5 bucks and began exploring. It was the real deal, they had a train ride, hike through a mine tunnel, and all sorts of cool shops to check out. The best part was that they were very dog friendly, they were allowed everywhere!



We spent a few hours snapping pics and talking to the locals then bid farewell to our friends for the long drive back to San Diego. We finally got home about 21:30 exhausted and filthy, but what a great time!

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