West Fork San Gabriel River on Thursday? Kayaking


Expedition Leader
I am thinking of doing some paddling on the West Fork San Gabriel this Thursday. It's about 20 minutes out of Azusa. Pretty easy class 2 and 3. Anyone in the So Cal area care to join me?


Even though I have a lowly sit on top kayak it sounds like it would have been fun. Unfortunately I am in Seattle right now and will head over to Denver tomorrow.

Do you only go on Thursdays? What about weekends?


Expedition Leader
Sorry, just got back from June Mountain. I did not go but do plan on going at some point. My schedule is flexible so if anyone wants to go give a shout. A sit on top would probably do ok on the East Fork.


Hey bud been interested in doing some white water in this area. I was talking to you a few months ago about alpacas and starting to learn to kayak the right way.

I have a 12' Dagger Crossover that ive been using for about 6 years, but never in anything bigger than a 2. Its rated for up to class 3.

If your up to baby sit a bit (and yes I can handle my boat) Id want to learn the right way.



Expedition Leader
wesel123 said:
Hey bud been interested in doing some white water in this area. I was talking to you a few months ago about alpacas and starting to learn to kayak the right way.

I have a 12' Dagger Crossover that ive been using for about 6 years, but never in anything bigger than a 2. Its rated for up to class 3.

If your up to baby sit a bit (and yes I can handle my boat) Id want to learn the right way.


Heck you can borrow one of my boats if you want. Even thought the Dagger would make it 12 feet is kinda long. I did both of these creeks in a Perception Dancer that was about that long and it was doable but with a shorter boat it is much more enjoyable. As soon as the weather warms in a week or two I plan on jumping on the river. I will let you know when.



I finally found a web site I ran across years ago. During an El Nino year Gary Valle' and Gary Gunder kayaked creeks like Arroyo Seco that normally have only a few inches of water. The photos are very cool.





Expedition Leader
teotwaki said:
I finally found a web site I ran across years ago. During an El Nino year Gary Valle' and Gary Gunder kayaked creeks like Arroyo Seco that normally have only a few inches of water. The photos are very cool.




Gary Valle was one of my paddling partners in the early days. We did Upper Big Tujunga together as well as a few other local creeks. There may even be a few shots of me on his web site.


kellymoe said:
Heck you can borrow one of my boats if you want. Even thought the Dagger would make it 12 feet is kinda long. I did both of these creeks in a Perception Dancer that was about that long and it was doable but with a shorter boat it is much more enjoyable. As soon as the weather warms in a week or two I plan on jumping on the river. I will let you know when.


Let me know!!!!! The only thing plannned for me in April is the weekend of the 19th, which will be a redneck shooting/camping weekend.

Thanks again!!!


Expedition Leader
The water level should be good but even if it's a little low it's still a fun afternoon. The storm we are getting this week should help keep the flow up for a few more weeks.


Expedition Leader
Bringing to life a old thread because this year should be a good one for the San Gabriel's East and West Forks. Flows have been good and with the snowpack the season should last a bit. Anyone interested?


Expedition Leader
No dates picked, I usually keep an eye on the weather and if it looks like a nice high pressure weather weekend I will try and head up for a afternoon of boating. The West Fork run takes you right through the ORV area so you have to watch out for monster trucks crossing the river:Wow1:

Throw some dates out there and I will try and make it happen.

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