Does anyone have insight on the best financing options for a used Sportsmobile van? I’ve found several worthy vehicles in the 80-100K range, but I’m not sure how the financing works. Any help is much appreciated.
It's my (limited) understanding that it's extremely hard to do, especially when it's coming from a private seller. I've heard of a couple people having luck at smaller credit unions/local banks. I've also known a couple people who used their home equity credit line. If you're able to get that in the needed amount that's almost certainly the lowest interest rate you could find for doing that.
Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in.
I have found my local credit union gives the best rates on RV's altho auto loans are usually at a better rate by a 1%. SMB should have a NADA value so most any lending institution should loan you money on it.
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