What did you cook today? Photo thread

Ever since the pandemic, I had to learn how to cook for myself. At first it was because restaurants were closed and lockdowns. Then it was because I wanted to save money. Now it’s because I’ve moved to a place where the food options are extremely limited and I have to drive quite a bit to get a good meal.

ever since I started cooking I’ve found out it was fun and it helped show people around me that I care about them. Cooking now has become a fun hobby, a passion you could say.

i know there’s a “what did you eat today” thread but I’m hoping it’s ok to start a cooking specific thread. It should be fun and cool to learn new recipes


Today I made another recipe from Ethan Becker (Becker knives) family cook book, The Joy of Cooking:

Roasted Chicken with Vegetables

First I spatchcocked the chicken by removing the spine (saving it in the freezer with the giblets). I don’t have heavy duty kitchen sheers so I decided to use good ole 1095 crovan by the way of the ESEE/ Becker collaboration: The BK14 the EsKabar.

It was pretty easy removing the spine and then opening up the bird and located the keel bone. Made a few incisions and removed it so that the chicken will lie flatter.

we tried an organic air chilled chicken and it came out really good. We left it outside to get to room temperature. Heavily seasoned it with salt, oil and poultry seasoning. Cut vegetables pretty big so they wouldn’t burn in the oven. Pretty basic medley- carrots, celery, onions, and elephant garlic. Coated it all with olive oil and an herb mix.

350 oven and it took an hour and 10 mins, last ten mins I had the oven at 400 to brown the skin

skin came out so flavorful and salty, the chicken meat was tasty and juicy, and the veggies were caramelized and sweet- the carrots tasted like candy! The garlic was mellow yet fragrant.



Shepherds Pie (cheated w/ instant mashed potatoes)

I love Shepherds Pie and this one came out ok, not as deep and savory as I would have liked. I will try again. It was filling and hearty! I’ll use Kent Rollins recipe next time, as was recommended to me.

browning the lamb

Made a garlic butter mushroom side

I couldn’t get the top to brown and it was getting late so we ate it as is.

It’s been chilly lately and I’ve been craving a hearty soup to warm up my bones. I found a really easy bratwurst soup recipe and I thought adding some southern style drop dumplings would make an awesome meal so I gave it a try.

Bratwurst Soup w/ Vegetables and Southern Style Drop Dumplings

Really simple, everything on its on already is delicious. Beer bratwurst (crumbled), potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, garlic and beef broth. At the end add salt, pepper and if need be- chicken or beef bouillon cubes. Season to taste


Brown the meat and build a fond

Add all the ingredients:

After 20 mins:

Simple drop dumplings mix:



Good eating:



Shepherds Pie (cheated w/ instant mashed potatoes)

I love Shepherds Pie and this one came out ok, not as deep and savory as I would have liked. I will try again. It was filling and hearty! I’ll use Kent Rollins recipe next time, as was recommended to me.

browning the lamb

Made a garlic butter mushroom side

I couldn’t get the top to brown and it was getting late so we ate it as is.

Just made a shepards pie last night. But used beef instead of lamb and melted marble cheese on the top of half of it.
I’m trying to nurse my GF back into health today. She’s on strict orders: rest, water, vitamins, and soup…


Went back and forth between the Knulujulu and ky chefs knife



Salted, floured, and then trying to brown it, put too much chicken in at once it kinda boiled. The flour did start to build a fond.


Cleaned out the fridge and threw in bok choy into the mix


Simmering… percolating and mingling going on-


I was going to make some southern style drop dumplings but got lazy and ate it with rice



Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
When you bring those meals on your next backcountry adventure, you'll be the "talk of the town"!
...think about adding a dutch oven to your supplies...you'll never see "one pot wonders" the same!

When you bring those meals on your next backcountry adventure, you'll be the "talk of the town"!
...think about adding a dutch oven to your supplies...you'll never see "one pot wonders" the same!


great idea! There’s an old rusty one I’ve been meaning to restore
Kept dinner simple tonight, since it's the calm before the storm. Pan fried steaks in my cast Iron skillet. I tried a coulette cut steak today for the first time, cooked medium. Over cooked it a bit, I wanted medium rare. The other is a NY strip, cooked done (GF preference).

Used the Nordsmith Canteen Knife for the honors. The handle is a work of art and the LTWK team did an amazing job with all the contours.



First time cooking a Turkey. I was supposed to just cook the Turkey but Covid happened and I had to rush and put together a couple of sides. Very basic spread but hey, gotta adapt.

I used the Turkey bag method and it came out moist. I brined it for 12hrs, should’ve been 48hrs. The drippings made an amazing gravy.

First Turkey completed, it came out pretty decent, I’ll take that as a win. Rib roast for Christmas next.




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