What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

Crush Jeep

Well after having dog hair in my seats and hours attempting to clean it out I got leather seats. I'm not sure how expo it is but it works for me.


Used it to pull a lot of people out that were stuck in the snow to include a plow truck.


Quite a few unplowed roads.


The fit and finish of the rack is phenomenal. It is a solid piece of equipment in every aspect. The installation honestly wasn't too difficult. I broke it up into phases. I took my time and put the rack together in my living room in an evening using allen wrenches. Then I spent a day taking my time with the install on my Jeep. Once you get over the fact that you're drilling holes through your hardtop it's fairly straight forward. Test fit everything, measure 10 times for sanity's sake, and take your time. I did everything on my own except for lifting the rack into place on the roof, and bolting the rear of the rack onto the mounts. Both steps are best served to be completed with a buddy.

I would rate myself as about a 2 out of 10 on the "handy man" scale, so if I can do it, anyone can.

OK thanks! That gives me hope for pulling it off myself later this year.


Got a 5HP boost today!



I think I need a bigger truck!
Looks good Greg.

Thanks, I think so too.

nice switch pod

It is a nice kit, wasn't too expensive either.

That looks awesome, Greg! Interested in hearing how the 20" bar compares to the Hellas.

So far, the light bar is far brighter and has better spread and distance than the Hella's (it has both SPOT and FLOOD pattern optics combined). It was very easy to install because I already had the wiring in place for the Hella lights (actually a KC Hilites harness). I like those Hella lamps, thin profile and I got them cheap from an ExPo member. Good light and they stayed aimed well because of a solid mount. All the stuff you want from a lamp.

To compare, they are very different animals and so far at least with only low speed driving around local roads. Once I get a chance to test them offroad and for an extended period of time, I will report back.


Pushed a bunch of snow off the Jeep today. Then went out for a drive around town.

Then the Audi got jealous so I had to take that out on the town as well.
Added a hi lift jack and fuel rotopax can. The black storage box I've had in use for a while (I really wish they made weather proof rotopax containers!).

1) anyone else ever notice the rotopax bolts seem rather cheap? I've had two of them shear right off when tightening the bolts.
2) anyone with any suggestions on rear-coil over suspension that won't break the bank? I'd like to be able to adjust rear suspension depending on load-out for camping gear and the roof top tent.


Slid on my new-to-me RTT for fitting. It's only on for trips, so I wanted to make sure I could get the right stuff to mount it. (hence the driveway photos)


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