What does your rig weigh?


An average loaded boondock 'traveling' weight with Lance Camper on is about 9900 lbs. Truck only w/ full fuel is around 7300 lbs. In the past, I've done road trips with the camper on pulling a trailer with jeep on, and a lot of other 'stuff' on the trailer, bringing the CGVW up to 18,000 lbs, still 1300 lbs. under the max CGVW.
I've recently installed 1 ton secondaries and Stable Loads on the rear axle, essentially giving the rig 1 ton capabilities(if not specs). Virtually everything else is the same as the 3500 Dodge. Yes, I know the duallie has extended hubs for longer lugs and more off set, and slightly different WMS to WMS track.
I just bought the last two Mickey Thompson Baja ATZ's in a 33-15.50R16 size. Man, are they wide. Uninflated on my garage floor the tread is over 15 inches wide! E-rated, 3750 lb. capy. I'm just waiting for my Nitto Mud
Grapplers (33-14.50R16) to wear out. It may be a while, but the M./T.'s look like a much quieter tread (an AT tread)
You know, this traveling weight question has a lot of variables.
Add to the gross if:
carrying firewood, axe and chainsaw
generator (don't take it every time)
extended extraction/recovery tools/equipment
cold weather gear
extra 10 gallons of diesel fuel
cargo basket on rear
Lots of extended outback food and liquids.
extra liquor with which to barter.
regards, as always, jefe

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