what happened to Sierra4x4 trailer tread.

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Yes, of course we had a few over years. But pride ourselves by always making things right. Maybe more important, we find out how the situation occured and take corrective action.

The Range Pistol Club (voted one of the top 5 indoor ranges in the nation) and the 5.11 Tactical Factory Store (only one in the US)
in Fresno, CA. Please PM me if you are in the area so I can put you on the guest list. You too Chris.


The only reprehensible thing I've seen from all 14 of these pages is people referring that or outright calling Sierra crooks. Especially from those that don't even have a vested interest in Sierra. A man makes an honest mistake, works tirelessly to correct it and even apologizes online (which isn't even necessary) and he is still treated as if he is stealing from people. How sad. Those of you that have done this (and you know who you are) are the reprehensible ones. Inferring a man (and his business) are crooked without you even being involved in the transactions makes you the bad ones and the vile vitriole coming from these folks is what is despicable.
Chris made a mistake... so have we all. God knows I've made mine. Move on with your life (as Chris will)... I hope his company gets over this and is successful. Honest, decent people deserve breaks and I do believe that Chris is one of these folks. Good luck Chris and remember... we must LEARN from history, not repeat it.
The only reprehensible thing I've seen from all 14 of these pages is people referring that or outright calling Sierra crooks. Especially from those that don't even have a vested interest in Sierra. A man makes an honest mistake, works tirelessly to correct it and even apologizes online (which isn't even necessary) and he is still treated as if he is stealing from people. How sad. Those of you that have done this (and you know who you are) are the reprehensible ones. Inferring a man (and his business) are crooked without you even being involved in the transactions makes you the bad ones and the vile vitriole coming from these folks is what is despicable.
Chris made a mistake... so have we all. God knows I've made mine. Move on with your life (as Chris will)... I hope his company gets over this and is successful. Honest, decent people deserve breaks and I do believe that Chris is one of these folks. Good luck Chris and remember... we must LEARN from history, not repeat it.

Just getting home, and thank you.
The only reprehensible thing I've seen from all 14 of these pages is people referring that or outright calling Sierra crooks. Especially from those that don't even have a vested interest in Sierra. A man makes an honest mistake, works tirelessly to correct it and even apologizes online (which isn't even necessary) and he is still treated as if he is stealing from people. How sad. Those of you that have done this (and you know who you are) are the reprehensible ones. Inferring a man (and his business) are crooked without you even being involved in the transactions makes you the bad ones and the vile vitriole coming from these folks is what is despicable.
Chris made a mistake... so have we all. God knows I've made mine. Move on with your life (as Chris will)... I hope his company gets over this and is successful. Honest, decent people deserve breaks and I do believe that Chris is one of these folks. Good luck Chris and remember... we must LEARN from history, not repeat it.

Thank you for the invite, was born in TX and raised in NV. Firearms are normal in my life and I teach my kids also about the safety of firearms in or world.


.....without you even being involved in the transactions makes you the bad ones ...

Interesting logic. Several have referred it as "no dog in the fight". I take it you see youself as one the good one. You are the defender of the small businessman. Do you do have the facts? Have you talked to both parties? Do you have any experience with Sierra 4x4? No?


I believe that I'm the person who brought the word reprehensible into this thread. Am I safe to assume that you're saying that I called Chris a crook? I've never called him a crook. I think he got in over his head but never intended to steal from anybody. In fact, I searched for the word crook in this thread and it's never been mentioned other than someone saying he's not a crook.

Sierra sells a trailer in November and receives a 70% deposit. A delivery is scheduled for the end of January. At the time that most comments were being made, there was zero communication and many broken promises about delivery and updates from Sierra. Chris plays the family card by posting a picture of his family on vacation and trying to convince us the his whole family is working endlessly to deliver this trailer. Apparently you believe him.

Reprehensible is a simple word. It means blameworthy. It seems pretty clear to me that Sierra is blameworthy.

A man makes an honest mistake - what honest mistake did he make?

works tirelessly to correct it - 9 months to build a trailer?

apologizes online (which isn't even necessary) - right, because Chris has done absolutely nothing wrong.

he is still treated as if he is stealing from people. - I haven't heard anybody say that Chris is stealing. Only that he's been a bad businessman.

vile vitriole - again show me something that someone wrote that isn't based in fact.

I hope his company gets over this and is successful - I haven't written it the same way, but I did say that I hope Chris reinvests in his company so he can get caught up. His customers deserve it.

I believe that I've shown that what you wrote is mostly non factual an inaccurate. What I can't understand is why anybody would write what you wrote, unless you are friends with Chris???

I also believe that you owe an apology. If not to me then who ever you were writing about.

The only reprehensible thing I've seen from all 14 of these pages is people referring that or outright calling Sierra crooks. Especially from those that don't even have a vested interest in Sierra. A man makes an honest mistake, works tirelessly to correct it and even apologizes online (which isn't even necessary) and he is still treated as if he is stealing from people. How sad. Those of you that have done this (and you know who you are) are the reprehensible ones. Inferring a man (and his business) are crooked without you even being involved in the transactions makes you the bad ones and the vile vitriole coming from these folks is what is despicable.
Chris made a mistake... so have we all. God knows I've made mine. Move on with your life (as Chris will)... I hope his company gets over this and is successful. Honest, decent people deserve breaks and I do believe that Chris is one of these folks. Good luck Chris and remember... we must LEARN from history, not repeat it.


Chris, I am encouraged you are tracking this. I would love to invite you and your family to The Range. I think you will enjoy it. I will be in Reno this week. I know you have a aviation backround. Maybe we can meet at the race for lunch and a chat.

I am hopeful this chapter is closing.


I take it you see youself as one the good one.
Not at all. I just don't jump to the conclusion that people are crooks until they prove otherwise. And though Chris made mistakes in his business practices, none of them even remotely rise to the level of criminal behavior as was insinuated in several posts.

You are the defender of the small businessman.
I'm not defending his business practices, just pointing out that the inference of criminal activities is a HUGE leap from not being as responsive as one should be. And insinuating that that is the case DOES rise to that level... far more so.

Do you do have the facts? Have you talked to both parties? Do you have any experience with Sierra 4x4? No?
No, neither do you. I just didn't react as you did, without you even being financially involved. Pointing out bad business practices is not an issue... being as caustic as you (and others) have been with written words is an issue, even if you don't see it.
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Anyone who chooses to take my writings as personal attacks chooses to place themselves there. I made no directed attacks. The words written in the various posts here say all that needs to be said.

And for the record, I don't know Chris nor have I ever been involved with him or his business. I write solely from the perspective of the aforementioned posts.
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Walmart Adventure Camper
Is is just me or did this thread just take a kind of kooky turn?

Yep... Threads usually take a turn to the kooky with weird and obscure references when I start posting to them.

(smiley face with sharp stick poking in eye crap)


So you'll offer scathing opinion about "someone" but will not say who? That's called hiding behind your own words.

Anyone who chooses to take my writings as personal attacks chooses to place themselves there. I made no directed attacks. The words written in the various posts here say all that needs to be said.

And for the record, I don't know Chris nor have I ever been involved with him or his business. I write solely from the perspective of the aforementioned posts.


So you'll offer scathing opinion about "someone" but will not say who? That's called hiding behind your own words.

LOL... you have a good night sir...

and BTW, reprehensible also means "condemnable, criminal, deplorable, vicious, contrary to conscience or morality or law", none of which are applicable to the situation. Cnsider decency in the words you write before writing them. People can make a point (in this case about bad business practices) without resorting to the level that many of these posts have gone to. But obviously you don't agree, so I'll leave it at that.

I have zero tolerance or sympathy for criminals but have endless sympathy for honest people making mistakes and being crushed over them. Do the customers deserve apologies? Absolutely... but that is between him and them, not any of us. Do others need to needlessly berate him over it. Absolutely not. Judge not others unless yee be judged...

Night all...
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So now your laughing at me? The difference between you and I is I would have this conversation face to face. You're hiding.

I think making promises to deliver a trailer well before the camping season, then delivering it after the camping season is condemn-able, deplorable, contrary to conscience and morality. BTW, Sierra was in breach of contract by missing the delivery date, so I guess we can throw in contrary to law also.

LOL... you have a good night sir...

and BTW, reprehensible also means "condemnable, criminal, deplorable, vicious, contrary to conscience or morality or law", none of which are applicable to the situation. Cnsider decency in the words you write before writing them. People can make a point (in this case about bad business practices) without resorting to the level that many of these posts have gone to. But obviously you don't agree, so I'll leave it at that.


Expedition Leader
This thread is heading downhill with increasing speed. Time to give everyone some time to take a breath. Thread closed for a while. And, please, let's not open yet another thread on this subject.
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