Serous question: why would tweekers, and I assume you are taking about meth, be drawn to a vehicle like this?
Yes, meth.
Tweakers spend all of their money on drugs, so they don't have anything left over to spend on vehicles, so they usually end up with cars that are roughly 30 years old, and in poor repair.
They also gravitate towards generic transportation appliances, so in urban settings it might be a beige early '90s Oldsmobuick with no wheel covers, and in rural settings it would be a hoopty like the pickup above.
Another thing that we see all the time, is that tweakers have some kind of preoccupation with really crappy Chinese HID headlight "conversions" installed in OEM reflector-beam headlight housings, usually with sun-hazed 30 year old lenses. It's like looking into an arc welder for other motorists, but it puts almost no useful light on the road for them to be able to see. Bonus points for only one of them working, or for the left and right ones being different shades of color.
They also hardly ever register their vehicles, so they'll disable the license plate light. No plates, expired plates, no front plate in a two-plate state, trip permits, expired trip permits, and/or multiple trip permits are all tweaker things.
And the vehicles themselves tend to change hands casually, with no paperwork- it's always "my friend's car", but they don't know their friend's name.
And of course, at 0400 in the morning, the only two kinds of people out, are tweakers jacked up on meth, and cops jacked up on caffeine, so it's pretty easy to tell who is who...