What have you done with military surplus?

I live near 3 large military bases, so there is lots of surplus available. What have you guys done with military surplus?

Edit: Sorry I should have been more specific. What have you done with military surplus regarding storage? I remember when I was in high school, my friends dad keep jumper cables in a military pouch (ALICE gear if I remember correctly). They fit perfectly and were easy to store. Does something fit perfectly in certain molle pouches? Stuff like that.
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Sorry I should have been more specific. What have you done with military surplus regarding storage? I remember when I was in high school, my friends dad keep jumper cables in a military pouch (ALICE gear if I remember correctly). They fit perfectly and were easy to store. Does something fit perfectly in certain molle pouches? Stuff like that.


Military surplus storage ranges from soft pouches to shipping containers and trailers.

My tools are in a large mechanics tool bag.

My jumper cables, towing lights, tow strap and mini light bar are each in a vehicle tool pouch.

My winter jacket and sleeping bags are each in there own sleep system carrier.

Ammo cans are used for all kinds of stuff.

The extra tires are stored in a quad con.

And the list goes on.


Ammo cans, optics and rocket shipping containers, pouches, bags, etc. are all in use for me.

I also have a full ECWS sleep system which is great. Lots of MOLLE and ALICE gear... it's more a matter of finding what's available and making use of it - most surplus gear is rugged and durable (often at the expense of aesthetics or weight!)


New member
I love the mechanic's bags, the ones about 12x6x6", they're tough and just the right size for segregating tools by type/job.


Crew Chief
There really is an endless, been-done-before, list of military storage. I have some seat covers in my Bronco with molle webbing and I keep tools, parts and just about anything I could need on the back of them within easy reach. I use a military day bag as a tool bag. I use a heavy canvas mechanics bag for my winch gear.

Basically, you can find a bag or box for just about anything.

Don't know if this counts as storage or not, but I've gotten ahold of a old style military pup-tent, say 50's-60's era. I figured out how to use it to extend the bed of my bronco out to use it for camping and sleeping. I only have half the tent right now and I'm waiting on the other half to get here, but here are some teaser pics.



Just a quick update with some newer pics.






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Expedition Leader
Between 18 (and counting) years in the Army and spending a dangerous amount of time wandering around on government liquidation, I have a LOT of mil spec storage stuff.
Pelican cases are probably the first thing that comes to mind with Expedition in mind. Shapes and sizes are vast and their durability is awesome.
As mentioned previously, MOLLE type pouches are very handy for small stuff you don't need water proof. I have... yeesh, probably 100lbs +/- just in various pouches. With new gear and camo patterns coming and going, the military has generated a massive surplus of no longer (or non used) relevant pouches. All sizes and shapes. I will NEVER be able to use all the ones I have but they come in handy when friends need Christmas presents. :)
I can't say the rucksacks are the greatest, especially when compared to the civilian market, but they can be useful.
As much as we like to joke that the military stuff is junk, it really isn't as bad as one likes to make out. They DO spend a massively (almost sickening) amount of money and time to develop and test the gear. Maybe there are better, lighter, more comfortable civilian versions out there. But IMHO, mil surplus is hard to beat bang for the buck.
Try building your own trailer that will carry 1500 lbs of cargo, off road for less than you can get a surplus one for.


I use a medical chest as my "chuck box". The one I use is exactly like the one for sale from this place.

It's pretty nifty in that both lids can be set up as tables.

Here's a couple pics from when I installed a pull-out for it, with a lazy susan. I don't think I have any pics of it in use.



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