The Cobra 25ltd I have is from 1997. I contacted Cobra, and they said they would refurbish it(gauge light does not work, loose knobs), but they did not list a fee. What angers me, is that most of these CBs have not changed in decades, other than fresh paint, camo options, and some have gotten slightly smaller. I really wish there were still radio shacks that had competent employees.
I have a small cubby(cd case holder) that I could shove a 19DX style transceiver into, and that is the class I am looking at. The 75 style is even more attractive in a limited space set-up, but reviews that folks give are on both ends of the spectrum, with the good side always commenting on ease of use, and install. While the bad side speaks of bad audio and others tinny reception. It is also hard to find out if the folks that use them tune anything, or just slap everything together and start jabbering on random channels. I suspect that the 75, compared to a normal box is about like comparing a tablet to a dedicated towered computer.
How many of you listen to CH9? I tuned in on my way home yesterday, and I was immediately assaulted with gruff sounding Spanish.