2. The Doleoni MAN-KAT
The second vehicle is the Doleoni MAN-KAT, which you can see discussed on pages 33 and 40 of the same thread referenced above, post #328 at
http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...pedition-RV-w-Rigid-Torsion-Free-Frame/page33 , and post #394 at
http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...pedition-RV-w-Rigid-Torsion-Free-Frame/page40 :
Like the Tatra 815 GTC, the Doleoni MAN-KAT was designed to be globally capable, "world-class" expedition motorhome. For instance, the Doleoni MAN-KAT carries the maximum allowable 1,500 liters of diesel.
But precisely because it has a diesel tank so large, it seems that the Doleoni MAN-KAT cannot legally carry propane as well. See
egn's very clear explanation in post #393, at
http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...rsion-Free-Frame/page40?p=1615417#post1615417 , and my responses in post #394, immediately following, as well as post #407, on page 41 at
http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...pedition-RV-w-Rigid-Torsion-Free-Frame/page41 . If propane is carried, then legal requirements work out in such a way that one ends up with a diesel tank that's half as large.
So because Doleoni MAN-KAT carries no propane, its heater is a
Webasto DualTop RHA 102, supplemented by a Webasto AirTop (post #394). For cooking, it has a top-of-the-line 3000W induction stove made by Scholtes, as well as a diesel-fired hob by Webasto:
http://www.scholtes.com/appliances_s/welcomeDiscoverInductionHob.do and
http://www.webasto.com/gb/markets-products/motorhomes/comfort-solutions/cooking-solution/ . Note that the Doleoni MAN-KAT's specification says "Waeco" for the diesel hob, but this might be a mistake, because the hob in the photograph above really does look like the diesel Webasto. The specification makes it clear the the Scholte induction hob is the primary cooking system, whereas the diesel hob is a secondary or "backup" cooking system, perhaps used just as a food warmer?
Now consider that back in the 1980's, when the Tatra 815 GTC was built, induction hobs were not yet a widespread cooking technology even in the West, let alone in Czechoslovakia behind the Iron Curtain. So one wonders whether, if the Tatra 815 GTC were designed today, an induction hob might be a much better choice for extreme-altitude cooking than LPG? After all, as
DiploStrat remarked earlier in the thread, changes in altitude won't affect an induction hob one bit. But once the LPG hob is eliminated, then the Tatra 815 GTC's water heater is the only remaining LPG-powered appliance. And surely that, too, could be electric?
So again, I am not just speculating here. The Doleoni MAN-KAT was built recently, and like the Tatra 815 GTC, the Doleoni MAN-KAT is a rare example of a large, 6x6, globally capable expedition motorhome built on top of a torsion-free frame. As you no doubt already know, the vast majority of ActionMobil and UniCat motorhomes are built on frames that twist, therefore necessitating a secondary 3-point or 4-point pivoting subframe to carry the camper box. For a full description of the Doleoni MAN-KAT, see
http://www.expedition-trucks.com/brokers/man-kat-6x6-expedition-truck ,
http://www.doleoni.com/wp/en/ ,
http://www.doleoni.com/wp/en/man-kat-1-a1/ , and
http://www.doleoni.com/wp/#portfolio .
Like the Tatra 815 GTC, the Doleoni MAN-KAT also has a large diesel generator, in the latter case made by Lombardini -- see
http://www.lombardinigroup.it/products/diesel/11ld626-3 and
http://www.lombardinigroup.it/docum...ooled_diesel_engines_12.0-26.0_kW_English.pdf . However, I suspect that this might be a mil-spec Genset configured by Kirsch, with a Lombardini engine -- see
http://www.kirsch-energie.de/fileadmin/user_upload/redakteur/pdf/Referenzlisten/Referenz_MIL_de.pdf ,
http://www.kirsch-energie.de/en/products/military/portable.html ,
http://www.kirsch-energie.de/en/products/military/variable-speed.html , etc. Or, alternatively, it might be a Kohler Genset, because since 2007 Lombardini has been part of the Kohler Power group.
It's not clear whether either diesel generator is turbocharged, although one presumes the Tatra 815 GTC's generator must have been, because the vehicle spent so much time at extreme Altiplano and Tibetan altitudes:
See post #300 at
http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...pedition-RV-w-Rigid-Torsion-Free-Frame/page30 . Whereas the Doleoni MAN KAT does not seem specifically designed with Altiplano or Tibetan altitude in mind, because it still comes equipped with those standard-issue, diesel-fired Webasto Dual Top and Air Top heaters.
3. Design with Tibet in Mind
My own specific design concerns are heating and cooking systems for exactly this kind of large, 6x6 expedition vehicle. But systems that will function well above 15,000 feet. This may be quite different than the design concerns of most of the contributors to this thread, who seem focused on the 8,000 - 12,000 foot altitude range, and who probably have smaller 4 x4 vehicles in mind.
Even still, as suggested previously in this thread, Tibetan altitude really should be a significant design consideration for expedition motorhomes that hope to travel extensively in Eurasia.
I haven't yet had a chance to post at length about the emerging Asian Highway Network in the "
Fully Integrated MAN or TATRA 6x6 or 8x8...." thread. But to sum up the research so far, China is definitely no longer a Third World country, and neither is Tibet a Third-World region within China. A 38 km 4-lane expressway now links Lhasa to its airport, and the Chinese are spending billions upon billions of dollars (i.e. the Chinese equivalent in yuan) on Tibetan infrastructure -- see
http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1600517 ,
http://seekingalpha.com/article/116283-infrastructure-spending-china-knows ,
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/23/business/worldbusiness/23yuan.html?hp&_r=0 , and
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/23/business/worldbusiness/23yuan.html?pagewanted=2&_r=0&hp .
This includes both highway improvements and extreme-altitude railways, which the Chinese and the Nepalese governments both want to extend into Nepal. The Indian government is understandably less keen, because it has outstanding territorial disputes with China. But even still, it's quite possible that within our lifetimes trains will run direct from Beijing to Delhi, via Lhasa and Kathmandu. And so too, a 4-lane expressway might run all the way from Beijing to Lhasa -- see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G6_Beijing–Lhasa_Expressway and
http://www.economist.com/news/china...ross-tibetan-plateau-some-reaching-lhasa-road .
This matters for globally capable expedition motorhome design, because over the next 50 years Tibet will, in effect, become the Switzerland of Asia, and a key transportation fulcrum. And not just for freight, but so too for intrepid travelers in globally capable motorhomes. Crossing Tibet to get from India to China, or vice-versa, will become as common as crossing Switzerland to get from Italy to Germany.
Put another way, Tibet is
not Bolivia. Tibet's economic growth rate is even more dramatic than China's (12 % versus 8 - 10 % per annum), and contemporary infrastructure in Lhasa often looks better than infrastructure in the British midlands -- again, see
http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1600517 . In the next few weeks I hope to post about all of this at length in the other thread. :ylsmoke:
Unlike the Altiplano, however, much of the Tibetan plateau is at 15,000 feet, not 13,000 feet. And many of the more "scenic routes" in Tibet also locate at 14,000 - 15,000 feet, for instance the G219 highway that runs west from Lhasa, the highway that one must take to reach Mount Kailash and the ancient ruins and frescoes in the Guge region. See
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guge , and for some preliminary discussion of the G219 highway, see posts #366 and #367 at
http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...pedition-RV-w-Rigid-Torsion-Free-Frame/page37 (standard ExPo pagination). Again, I'll be posting more anon about the G219 in the other thread.
It's also impossible to drive from India direct to China across the Tibetan plateau without spending some time above 15,000 feet, because the main asphalt highway that runs from Lhasa to Beijing, the G109, crosses the
Tang Gu La Pass at 17,162 feet, or 5,231 m -- see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanggula_Pass . The highest drivable road in Tibet crosses the "Semo La" pass at 18,258 feet, or 5,565 m -- see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semo_La , http://www.betzgi.ch/en/route-info/w.../pass/semo-la/ , and http://chelseamorning.wordpress.com/...-in-the-world/ . For more about high-altitude drivable Tibetan passes, see http://kekexili.typepad.com/life_on_...ountain_p.html .
4. All-Electric, LPG, or Diesel?
Now in the other thread, egn suggested that 15,000 feet is really "no big deal" for a diesel heater. egn's statement is well worth re-quoting here:
It is no problem to run Webasto or Ebersbächer diesel heaters at altitudes above 5000 m. You either connect to the diagnostic interface and reduce the fuel amount to the amount of O2 available, by reducing the rate of the fuel pump is ticking. Or you install additional fuel pumps, which deliver less fuel per tick. A friend has 5 fuel pumps installed for altitudes from 0 m up to 5000 m and can switch them on the fly. I also read about someone who has implemented a rate converter that changes the input rate from the heater to a specific rate according the altitude. At least for some of the current versions there are altitude kits available or they measure the O2 content and adapt dynamically to the altitude.
Of course, all the solutions cause power loss of the heater, just like an engine has less power at higher altitude. So you have to size the heater accordingly to compensate the power loss. And it is recommended that you have a second heating system as backup. But water cooled engines can provide this backup without any problems.
For high altitude travel I also thought about to increase pressure in the cabin a little bit. As side effect this can be used to turbocharge the heater to get full power when necessary.
Originally it was planned [for Blue Thunder] to have 1500 l fuel, but finally the space wasn't available in the frame. And I didn't want to loose precious space at other location, just because of 200 l more fuel.
egn seems to be referring to is the stepped system of pumps first mentioned by
Iain_U1250 earlier in this thread:
I found this interesting webpage on a modification for an Eberspacher heater at high altitude, they have 4 different metering pumps for different altitudes up to 5000m. It is in German but Google does a reasonable job of translating the page.
Also see
https://sites.google.com/site/whitem...r-haus-heizung , http://translate.google.co.uk/transl...r-haus-heizung , https://jujo00obo2o234ungd3t8qjfcjrs3o6k-a-sites-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/ifr?url=http://www.gstatic.com/sites-gadgets/embed/embed.xml&container=enterprise&view=home&lang=de&c ountry=ALL&sanitize=0&v=b6b44a81eb247b44&libs=core :setprefs&parent=https://sites.google.com/site/whitemankat/about-us/fahrzeug-daten-technik/fahrer-haus-heizung#up_embed_snippet=<embed+xmlns%3D"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"+flashvars%3D"host%3Dpicasaweb.google.com%26 amp;hl%3Dde%26amp;feat%3Dflashalbum%26amp;RGB%3D0x 000000%26amp;feed%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fpicasaweb.google .com%2Fdata%2Ffeed%2Fapi%2Fuser%2Fwhitemankat4%2Fa lbumid%2F5614273466992832561%3Falt%3Drss%26kind%3D photo%26hl%3Dde"+height%3D"400"+pluginspage%3D"htt p://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"+src%3D"https://picasaweb.google.com/s/c/bin/slideshow.swf"+type%3D"application/x-shockwave-flash"+width%3D"600"+/>&st=e%3DAIHE3cCc6H0fT38vRS%2FVn%2F1v%2FAfASFRr0Sq alr7kx%2FLaQ4dMRgGdvyFhztMd%2BaqW0cOlKHhLkpDK2NYFp qfsolX8WxL51AjWGOi5caX8cCQqzSDkSskJTVmS%2Bp8rcJfU1 vGRXZYC8I%2BU%26c%3Denterprise&rpctoken=-4088932420771206846 , andhttps://picasaweb.google.com/whitema...73706030409186 .
I pulled the images and posted them at
http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...pedition-RV-w-Rigid-Torsion-Free-Frame/page40 , post #399, just in case this German website ever goes dead. Seemed good to have a visual record of the "multi-pump" solution permanently lodged on ExPo.
Stefan, would you agree with
egn? Do you think that this sort of multi-pump solution makes diesel workable after all, at extreme altitudes?
And yet it
is interesting, isn't it, that the Tatra 815 GTC used LPG for its stove and hot water, and electric forced-air for space-heating in the camper, and not diesel. And this was a vehicle that knew in advance that it would be traveling the length of the Andes, as well as crossing the Tibetan plateau.
So I am honestly still a bit puzzled. Aren't there experts for this sort of thing? Actionmobil? UniCat? If a customer makes Altiplano and Tibetan altitude an important design criterion, how do Actionmobil or Unicat spec out their vehicles accordingly? Does such an extreme-altitude criterion make any difference to their designs? Or do all of Actionmobil and UniCat vehicles come pre-equipped as "
extreme altitude capable"? Is there a consensus regarding best practice, a consensus that they follow?
In short,
Stefan: you seem to know what you are talking about vis-a-vis extreme altitudes above 12,000 feet. So any suggestions you might be willing to give, for the design of a large 6x6 expedition vehicle that could handle Tibetan extreme altitudes possibly as high as 18,000 feet, and at least as high as 16,000 feet, would be greatly appreciated.
But as always, if anyone else reading these questions wants to chime in, please do!
All best wishes,