What is the point of Expo graphic wraps?


SE Expedition Society
I think it's generational. My fellow geezer cronies and I all have a mindset of. "If you ain't paying me. I'm not advertising for you."
I was in HS when Nike first started making their runners ---- I bought a pair and got a free t-shirt.
Then they started to sell them and Coke t-shirts at the mall... :Wow1: And people bought them.

A camo wrap is cool though. Here in GA, that is. Maybe not in San Diego or something.


One of the real values of wraps -- at least in one part of the world -- has nothing to do with expedition travel, but may be interesting nonetheless.

In Germany it is quite common to apply folien (films) to police cars and taxis during their in-service life in one color or livery, and then strip them off for end-of-service life resale of a protected finish of a more marketable color. German police cars used to be white with green, and although now most are silver with green, the green is a foil, not paint. A used car in silver is perfectly OK.

Taxis in the German states that still use that unique pale yellow color are also dominated by foil-wrapped cars. No one in Germany wants that color for their personal car, although it was quite common for Mercedes Benz vehicles in the US, and is not a bad color but for the taxi association.





It never occurred to me that a vehicle wrap (or decals and stickers) would be cause for concern. When I was very young and Dad took us camping all over Canada with a pop up canvas camper trailer, I would spend my allowance on getting the decal (about 50 cents) of every provincial park we camped in. I took great pride in putting the decal on our trailer as a memento of where we had been. I don't see a problem with it.:coffee:


  • Unimog Door.JPG
    Unimog Door.JPG
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Expedition Leader
Yeah I don't get the big deal either. I'm 64 and a wrap doesn't even get a second look accept that I think wow that looks good.....something that would be hard to do w/ paint. Wraps aren't all ad work. I saw one here in forest camo and wow did it look great, I asked him how much it cost and he said around 1300. I can't see that much for it but if I could I would. then when I wanted to sell......peel off and voila a prefect factory paint job. Just might get the 1300 back.:coffeedrink:


It is like building a custom car. You can put all kinds of mods and blown up parts under the hood, but it is not a hotrod until you slap that beautiful paint job on it.
Preference and probably more than likely to be seen and to draw attention to a certain brand or others personal likes. Why do people put chrome on their trucks?
Why do people buy different brands of toliet paper? Because we can! It is what makes us all different.


Wraps are like vanity license plates. Adds a unique statement. I like seeing people's artistic ideas. Better than an overloaded chrome package.


Can you post some examples of what you are talking about? I have seen wraps but for the most part they are company vehicles of some description, either owned by the company or its employees. I dont seem to remember someone wrapping a truck who was just doing it to look cool, but perhaps I am naive to it.


Although I can't speak for anyone other than myself, & I hate stickers & all sticky stuff,
I did a painted on graphic (somewhat abstract) solely for the purpose of bringing down the scale of the size of my vehicle so it didn't look so massive. plus, being silver, it looked too much like the lunch truck!
This may be what the RV builders are thinking, as it's not so politically correct these days to be driving a 'big' vehicle, & if there's not too much going on in the graphic, it can be easier on the eye compared to a big white wall
Personally I like the fact that campers come in colors other than white now.


ceiling 031.jpg
paint job 013.jpgpaint job 012.jpgfinished 022.jpg


Expedition Leader
I had mine painted

And I will put a couple of wraps on it somewhere. Just to try and make sure people don't flag me down to deliver a baby or something. :Wow1:

Also they are big panels and as someone else said I would like to make it look smaller.

Mind you the paint job was Maaco, definitely a 10 foot job. But I didn't want a top quality / expensive paint job just to run some desert pinstripes down.






Expedition Leader
And vinyl is more friendly to the environment than painting.

Really? PVC is problematic to recycle, and some environmental groups and Kalifornistan are calling for it to be banned. Plus, it is made from nasty petroleum by evil corporations! <== (sarcasm) Personally, I have no issues with vinyl or paint, but these days it is way too easy to just say that something is "friendly to the environment" without any proof whatsoever. Off my soap box now.

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