What makes Expedition Portal different - and valuable


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
slooowr6 said:
This is my first post on the forum.

Thanks, Alex! Nice to know you're here - and that we're seriously contributing to the lack of productivity in corporate America.:eek:

slooowr6 said:
I don't have an expedition vehicle yet, I only have a 2wd Vanagon wesy.

Oh, I don't know about that! I happen to know a member on this forum, a certain nephew of mine, working on a very cool mod of a Wesy - perhaps he'll eventually share.

Enjoy the forum Alex!:sombrero:


Expedition Leader
I find myself spending much more time here than the "truck sites" due to the topic matter as much as the people.


DesertRose said:
A recent heated discussion in this section has produced some off-forum discussions ....

Guess I missed that thread. Just as well I suppose. I did read all the posts up to this point on this thread.

I came to this forum just a year ago searching for information on bio-diesel and found interesting, thoughtful, courteous dialog covering topics that Diana and I love. I've found no reason to delete the site from my 'bookmarks'.

As the site grows it will undoubtedly attract some members who may be argumentative, impolite, disrespectful, or downright rude. Guess that's no different from what one might find in the public forums. Here I'm referring to those forums that range from 'round table' to 'standing room only' public hearings/discussions. It seems to me that more persons you have involved, the less likely it is that reasonable, two-sided discussions take place, and there's always some hothead in the audience who tries to shout the loudest and the most often.

I suppose this isn't always the case, but the anonymity of these internet forums makes it easy for anyone who leans towards vituperatory rejoinders to find a place to vent his/her spleen.

Since my entire career in education, save a few times when I was guest lecturer in a couple of college classes, was spent in secondary education, I've had my share of sophomoric behavior.

One of the qualities of this forum is that there appears to be an absence of sophomores. Cheers! There seems to be a scarcity, perhaps dearth, of game-playing. Exchanges for the most part are on an adult level. Parental replies are almost non-existant. (Apologies for the blatant use of Eric Berne's descriptives.)

I don't spend a great deal of time on internet forums. For the reasons I mentioned above, I continue to return to this one and eschew those which harbor members of the sophomore class.

Allen R

Brian McVickers

Staff member
flywgn said:
... the anonymity of these internet forums makes it easy for anyone who leans towards vituperatory rejoinders ....

Allen R

Here are two great examples of what makes EXPO so great.
1- Although this is an internet forum and allows for a certain level of anonymity, I bet 75% of the people here know at least one other person personally and have met them in person. We also do a good job at getting to know one another through the ocupation thread, the where do you live thread, the tell us about your vehicle thread and scheduled adventures.

2- This is a place to learn, about everything from everyone. For example, I had to look up two words from the post above and now I know what "vituperatory" means, what a "rejoinder" is and how well the two words go together. Nice use of words Allen!



My random Expo thoughts...

  • One reason I love Expo is because it stretches the "black and white; right or wrong" attitude the engineer in me is so wont to adhere to. Don't get me wrong, I'm still quite a bit like that, but I'm not condemned for it.
  • Folks here are forgiving of my ignorance and employ gentle instruction and teaching. Thanks for that!
  • Any sophomoric comments around here are generally intended for humor, not for harm. Those that have been harmful have generally been motivated by passion... something all of us possess and I'm sure all of us have been bettered by it a time or two.
  • Finally, isn't Allen R's vocabulary great stuff! I frequently employ the dictionary when reading his posts... I love placing new words into my vocabulary. After reading his posts I always feel more perspicacious.


Expedition Leader
I believe I was the 49th member of this forum, not to boast. This is the only forum that I now frequent and post often in. Since day one I have loved the insight and helpfulness of the great group of people here. And while I may be one of the top posters here, I certainly do not pretend to know everything, or a lot for that matter. I enjoy and partake inthe discussions here, comment on the trucks, trips, pictures, and even the playful banter that goes on around here. I think what makes this forum particularly great is the group of people that it caters to. While we are an off road community, we are a different sort of animal in this community. Most of us are well travelled, or wish to be, have respect for other people, cultures, etc. and also for our environment, community, and activity. There is never one superior truck here, they are all equally capable, and functional in thier own rights, and they all have thier downsides as well. And the fact that everyone here is willing to share with thoughts, ideas, and compliments is a great tribute to the caliber of people this forum attracts. I think with over 500 members, and very few trouble makers (leave KC, Mark F'n, and myself out of it, that is a different kind of trouble:D ) helps to dictate the type of members we (the current members/posters) attract. That, and also, whenever Allen posts up I too need to get a dictionary out. I feel like I am reading Norman Mailer when I read Allen's great and very insightful posts. This is a great place, and with our awesome mods, and wonderful members I think it will stay this way for quite some time.


Expedition Leader
DesertRose said:
What makes a forum unique, or different, then, is how those opinions and ideas are shared.

I agree to disagree. (This is my motto:)) It really is that simple.

I don't take it personally and I don't hold a grudge. I'm here to have a good time, learn, and make some friends.

I am grateful for all the hard work and experience that makes Expo so wonderful. A big thank you to all the moderators who help make Expo a fun place to hang out:beer:
Last edited:


Expedition Leader
DesertRose said:
But there is something really special about the people here on ExPo. Dare I say that the members by and large are also looking for something different - a place where you can be a truck fanatic, have discussions about the best gearing for an FJ40 whilst also exploring the finer points of Go or extol the virtues of single malt, rant about border issues and trail maintenance, quote Steinbeck and Emerson and Shackelton, and all the while profess a love for the wilderness and fight for it - and not see any conundrum in it because its just the way we all are!

Great statement. Good timing. At least once a week I get concerned that I haven't contributed anything worthwhile; a joke here, a smartass comment there.... My concern is that I'm helping degrade everything good and noble about this place.

However, you know what I haven't seen around here? The phrase Do a search, it's been discussed here at least 100 times!!!. If some dude asks if a certain tire size will fit his truck without trimming, you can expect a respectful answer to follow.

We noticed that a potty mouth filter went into effect, too. You know what? I love Twain: "Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." There's a good chance I've pushed the limits of the prayer-extending value of wholesome profanity. :)

Here's to life, folks.

"The road goes on forever, and the party never ends."



Expedition Leader
articulate said:
However, you know what I haven't seen around here? The phrase Do a search, it's been discussed here at least 100 times!!!.

Or you get a suggestion to do a search, often on another forum, with specific url's and search terms. Definitely a different crowd.


slooowr6 said:
This is my first post on the forum. What you guys are doing is what keeps me going to work every day in hope I can do the same in the future.

I totally understand what Alex is saying. For those of us who live in the Mid-Atlantic, there are sooo few places for us to go, that it is great to be able to know what kind of cool stuff I'll be able to do when I finally get the chance to move out west! :truck:

This place is all about the adventure. Off-roading is only half of the fun - the other half is the adventure, and realizing that is what makes this place different.

And the people are definitely great. When I bought my Trooper, I found Scott's site while surfing the 'net looking for info - and I e-mailed him totally out of the blue with a question. Not only did he get back to me with an answer, but he invited me to check out ExPo, and I'm glad he did! There really is a sense of community here, and I think it is great that there are all kinds of different makes and models represented, and everyone is cool with each other!

Now I just gotta get my work stuff going strong so I can have the freedom to either move out West, or take the time to stray further away from my home base here :1888fbbd: !


articulate said:
We noticed that a potty mouth filter went into effect, too. You know what? I love Twain: "Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." There's a good chance I've pushed the limits of the prayer-extending value of wholesome profanity. :)


Good time for me to formally apologize for my foul mouth. I am aware that I use a lot of profanity, and sometimes it comes out in my posts here. I'll try to behave myself better in the future. I don't want to get banned from the expo. Then what would I do all day at work? :p
(again, i know, old thread...but probably an ongoing issue...)

i joined the forums here because it didn't seem like a truck forum. im a moderator on a truck forum, and...there's more to life. i have the truck to get there, that's all.

it seems more like an outdoor adventure forum populated by people with trucks and without various chips on their shoulders, and that's why it's my favorite (if not most active) online hangout.

it has, i think, (potential profanity coming up), the lowest ************ quotient of any forum i've ever seen...approaching or at zero. everyone here seems blessed with an uncommon helping of patience, understanding, tolerance, and common sense :beer:.

...and i am hoping some of it rubs off on me :D.


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