winch is only usefull if you have something to winch off of
Shovel is a multiuse basic tool- with time - the vehicles jack and the shovel you will get free.
But I'll up the anti to a pick matock
ever tried pulling dirt from under a truck with a shovel ?
The pick matock breaks up rocky soil - moves soil like a shovel and can also pull dirt from under a vehicle
if you sharpen the blade - think axe
it is heavier- but to me more usefull
Winch / highlift /straps etc etc all have their uses- but you need a second item to make them useful
the shovel matock etc work on their own
heres a few examples
here I am stuck- I used a dog bowl and a hammer to dig out the difs and eventually found a frozen rock to winch myself off of
It would have been faster with a pick mattock
oops stuck again
pick mattock too the rescue- had a winch - but nothing to winch off of
used a high lift as i had the lift points- but lacked a shovel to fill the hole once I'd lifted the front- note nothing to winch off of
Obviously rocks like Moab need a diferent approach - but most trails are'nt solid sandstone