What to put in my Faraday box?


Rock Stacker
I just finished a project with a 1650 Pelican case that I have had around for ages. I lined it with Titan RF fabric and tape that I purchased from Mission Darkness. The pelican has a lid organizer and a old style padded divider. My intent was to put in a few radios and an ipad. After I was finished, I realize I have a lot more room. What else should be included? Small solar panels? Rechargeable batts? I know many have an opinion on this subject, and I welcome them, but if your going to critique the use or making of, please drop in a quarter and give your opinion on what should or could be included in the box.







What is the intended purpose? Are you trying to prevent scanning / tracking, or is this to help something survive an EMP event? I think the list of items included changes based on the answer. For instance, including your cell phone to save it from EMP seems like a waste, losing all the usefulness of it on a regular basis only to have it “still work” when the entire network “doesn’t work” seems counter-productive.

On the flip side, If you put your teenagers phone in the box for punishment… that seems like a great plan!


Rock Stacker
The intended use is to protect against CME's and EMP's. I know that is a wide spectrum but I have been able to block 50mhz all the way to 5ghz with total blockage. Will it stop a high altitude nuke or EMP? Dunno yet.

Agreed about the cell phones. But, the apps will still work, maybe even the maps/gps part, What do you think? On that note, should a GPS be included? Will sats be knocked out?

For the kids, I had left over fabric, one layer and a little tape made a Faraday phone bag that completely blocks signals in and out. Probably about $3 worth of material. The stuff is amazing.


So, I don’t necessarily share any sort of prepper spirit, and don’t really know what would be destroyed by EMP, but if life were to revert back to pre-electric days, I believe a really good calculator, a multi-meter, and flashlights will be among the most valuable things on earth. Cell phones… not so much. We lived without them in the seventies but calculators were gold back then.

On edit… also a solar charge controller or two.


Rock Stacker
I have a good multi meter in there. Calculator is a good idea, However, the ipad has a calculator app, what do you think?

My thinking is protecting electronics from a CME or EMP is not a prepper thing, more like a drybag for keeping items dry. Prepper covers a wide gamut to be sure. I do prep my Jeep before every trip. Am I a "Prepper"? Most likely, I carry a lot of gear to make sure the family and I get back safe.

I have two 40 watt folding solar panels (which are apparently safe if not connected or grounded) that will fit in the box. I probably should get a few of the small charge controllers too.


What to put in an EMP-protected box?
Hopes and dreams?

Nearly every scenario involving an EMP means there has been and will be a nuclear exchange. I would want to go back in time…

But your next risk will be nuclear fallout. My choice will be a MOPP4 ensemble and a lifetime supply of filters, water and food..


Rock Stacker
when that happens, head for the hills. look for a high alpine lake a thousand miles from civilization and learn to hunt fish and garden. Understand we will not need technology, it will not work, we will be living as our great grand parents did 150 years ago.....

and the world will be a better place

Almost like our forefathers. My thermal and 6mm Creedmore are slighty more advanced than what was available back then. lol. Yes, my thermal will survive, it is in my farady box.


Rock Stacker
What to put in an EMP-protected box?
Hopes and dreams?

Nearly every scenario involving an EMP means there has been and will be a nuclear exchange. I would want to go back in time…

But your next risk will be nuclear fallout. My choice will be a MOPP4 ensemble and a lifetime supply of filters, water and food..

What are the ranges of an EMP from a high altitude blast? how about the range of fallout the same blast, which is further. I know fallout is based on wind currents, how about an EMP?


What are the ranges of an EMP from a high altitude blast? how about the range of fallout the same blast, which is further. I know fallout is based on wind currents, how about an EMP?

It depends. Depends on numerous variables including height, intensity and even what is going on in the sky when the device activates. Being directly under an EMP device may end up being the safest place.

An atmospheric burst is going to precipitate, sooner or later. That is when people are in real trouble. Even if people shelter and don’t get exposed to radiation, likely the entire food chain is contaminated for the next 10-20 years.

If you are going to die of rad poisoning, I guess an iPad would be nice to have.


Kapitis Indagatoris
I was always skeptical of faraday boxes/packages/envelopes/evidence bags. Used them for over 20 years and it seemed more times then not that when we placed a device in faraday evidence container the next time you pulled it out to process it, it had received a signal/page/text/message/etc.....while in storage.

Goodluck with your project!


Rock Stacker
I was always skeptical of faraday boxes/packages/envelopes/evidence bags. Used them for over 20 years and it seemed more times then not that when we placed a device in faraday evidence container the next time you pulled it out to process it, it had received a signal/page/text/message/etc.....while in storage.

Goodluck with your project!

Understood, My hope is this box will render the items inside usable after a CME or EMP. The use as a RF blocker is really not a consideration. To be honest, I am not sure it will be able to handle (what I would call amps) the power placed on it in a EMP. A CME is probably doable, as I understand the wave length is long.

The use as a blocker is tough. Even un latching the latches will let a pervasive signal in. I have already found that out. Any break in the fabric material results in a signal gap. 5ghz is tiny, it bounces all over and can fit in the cracks, 2ghz, takes a bigger gap, GMRS wavelengths are 25" long, the lid would have to be open to do any damage to items inside.

There is so many variables that it makes calculating certain objects by their respective size (ie, wavelength size vs object size) plus raw power of the impulse, etc. hard to do. Basically, it is a "hope and pray" or hope for the best, prepare for the worst situation.
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