What to See From Ogen,UT to Cheyenne,WY to Pueblo, CO?


New member
Mom with four kids on a little road trip in the mini van. So no off roading this trip and no more than about thirty minutes from the main highways. Any suggestions on tourist traps to avoid or sights/experiences that aren't to be missed? Not a lot of extra time for sightseeing but they want to make the most of what time they have. Leaving Ogden 7/21/10 sorry for the short notice. Coming back from Pueblo West on the 29th so I have a little time to get the info to them. They'll be coming back the same way so if I don't get your suggestions to them for the trip down maybe they can stop on the way back but they'll be a little more pushed for time. Thanks for any suggestions,


Wiffleball Batter
Are you in a hurry? I-80 through Wyoming may be one of the most boring roads in the world, especially for kids, and especially at this time of year when it's hotter than hell. Can't think of anything other than maybe Fort Fred Steele near Rawlins or the Wyoming Territorial Prison in Laramie.

You can watch for wildlife, there are about half a million antelope in Wyoming, and you'll see a lot of them on that stretch.

If you don't mind a detour you could take the highway South from Walcott to Saratoga, then take the Snowy Range Pass road over to Laramie. That's an absolutely gorgeous drive, and a nice cool change of pace from the hot, dry plains of Wyoming. Saratoga also has a lot of nice, non-chain restaurants.

If you had an extra day, I'd say take a more scenic route down US 6 through Eastern Utah to Green River, then overnight there or in Grand Junction, and take I-70 East to Denver (or take I-70 East to Minturn and then pick up US 24 Southeast through Leadville, Buena Vista and Salida, then turn East on US 50 to Pueblo.)

Just my $0.02. It was over 100 in Denver on Saturday, I can't imagine what it would be like on I-80 across WY but it wouldn't be fun.


ya, skip I-80 and I-25, they both suck. Unless they're in a hurry. Much nicer to run through the mountains. Hwy 6 to Green River, I-70 to Grand Junction, Hwy 50 to Pueblo. Lots of stuff to see between Montrose & Pueblo. Looks like it only adds an hour of driving time.

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