What's my First Love going to be? Land Cruiser or Land Rover?


Good Q.

I have owned both a 1997 LC and a 1997 D90 (still own the Defender). I love mine. I liked the LC a lot - but no love. The Defender puts a smile on my face every time I drive it. Which is daily right now. Funny thing is I wasn't even looking for one when I found mine. It popped up for a ridiculous price and couldn't pass on it. Also Rovers typically rank highest in customer satisfaction yet lowest in reliability. When I see something even looking like maintenance will be necessary in the next 6 months I get on it. They take maintenance.

But then so do Land Cruisers. Look at my signature. I am a Rover guy but do own a LC. The 62 takes a lot of work. It is old and worn out.

Defenders are very - Rudimentary. Functional. Expensive. At my age many are looking for leather and luxury - but then I grew up driving Jeeps.

Search the forums. There is one on the east coast that needs an engine for $6k - it is a 110. Or save the next couple years and import a factory 200TDi 110. That is what I am doing.

Also check out D-90.com. They can come up for sale for less than $20k. And they hold value.

Here is mine.
Spring boys trip, Moab , San Rafael Swell 080.JPG
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I really am on the fence about this. I really do want a D-90 because they STICK OUT! I love that. There's a kid at my school that drives a 60 series Cruiser, and there's more Jeep Wrangler's than I really enjoy to think about (seeing as they're driven by the co*ks at my school). There's also a fair amount of LR3 (or that sort of Land rover) some new Range Rovers, and one girl even got a new Evoqu (or how ever the hell it's spelled) shipped from the factory (I go to a prep school... so that's how so many kids have these sorta cars.... currently I just have my bicycle). But no one would ever really consider driving a real off-road vehicle like a D-90 or a well fitted Land Cruiser. So it's something that would stick out, and that I could use.

Nice D-90 by the way!


Nice D-90 by the way!

Thanks - here is the 62. I went with the Aussie Full Float rear end (not available in the U.S. and the 70 Series Cruiser wheels) Also hang out on Ih8mud.com for Cruisers.


If you really want to stick out.

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David Harris

Expedition Leader
That's a really nice looking Land Cruiser you've got there!
That looks a lot like what the kid at my school has, just a different color. His seems to be in base coat almost.... or it's a blue color that REALLY needs a new paint job.


This is the Cruiser that I want, maybe the link will work this time.

That looks like a nice one. Wouldn't have to do much to it and the miles are definitely low for the age. Still, your paying 12K for a 15 year old vehicle. One thing about the black paint: not only is it hard to keep clean on the street, it will get torn up big time offroading. Lighter colors are definitely more forgiving of damage and cooler in the heat.



That looks pretty cool and will stick out. Go to Ih8mud.com for tips on buying. I think that one could be had for $9-$10k. Does it have lockers - did not look - if not then $7k. Not more. And IMHO that is too much. Patience is a virtue when you are hunting. Check out previous post for really sticking out. Good luck. I am sure you will be happy with either.
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1992 has the 3FE. Same as the 62. Slow and slower. A friend works at Proffitt's. He swears the 1993-1994's are the best of the 80 series. Plus you can get factory lockers. Highly desirable to most.


True, true. Lockers will most likely be something that I'll invest in (along with skid plates and the like). I don't think the '97s had lockers, but I'm also likely to be wrong.


Okay. Well if they did that's one less thing that I've got to purchase and install. Thanks for that (potential) good news!


a ha so you wanna join the 10 mpg club huh? :)

4DR TACOMA is the way to go. reliable , cool looking, tons of aftermarket support, capable, 4 doors, truck bed , etc

land cruiser or rover with 32' tires will put you in 10 mpg class.


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