What's Out There For These Things?


Expedition Leader
Have you wheeled the montero yet?

Exactly. Sounds like you're doing a lot of theorizing without actually having wheeled it yet. If you had wheeled it you'd know that 35's are only needed for extreme trails or just looks. If you're not even planning on extreme trails yet still want 35's...


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
They do extremely well with what they got and even better with what they can get, you should take it out wheeling first and then modify it to your needs. Mitsu running gear is stronger than the toyota equivalent so it seems like a lot of work for little reward (more gear options) but if that's your thing and you're dead set on toy swap here is a montero with toyota running gear

If you want the montero look but dont really want the montero wouldn't it be easier to just get a Toyota FJ70?

Whatever you decide to do it sounds like an interesting build and don't let anyone discourage you so definately post pics. If you decide you like the montero and you want to build on that we can help you.

Owyhee H

The first gen monteros are a blast and really comfortable. I had an 85 with the 2.6L and 31's. It was a great rig and would go anywhere I wanted. I say get it, wheel it, and find where its lacking before you change anything. I think the 2.6L is a junk motor but there are some updates to the head that can be done to make it reliable. The motor is the only weak point in my mind, the suspension is way overbuilt and very capable. BUT I do like the reliability of my toyota.


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