Whats The Deal With Garmin GPSmap 276C?


Street Wolf

Whats the deal with this GPS? I can't seem to get anything done with it. Nothing seems to work right. It's hard to enter a destination of any kind, even then I can't for the life of me figure out how to enter an actual street address.

On top of that almost every time I do get it programmed to take me somewhere it dead set on the fact that the quickest route between two points is a straight line, and doesn't think that there might be a few problems traveling to my destination that way.

Really, I can't even get it the voice audio to work, even though I have it turned on and the volume all the way up.

Not to mention I can't get it to show me a map even remotely close to being this detailed. About all it shows is the major highways.



New member
sounds like you need to purchase the streets map pack City Navigator. My Garmin GPSMap 60CSX only came with the Trip and waypoint manager which is only major roads. It did not have and adress, points of intrest or anyhting but major highways.

Alot of their "outdoors" GPS do not come with the City Navigator.
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Adventurer, Overland Certified OC0006
Biggywallace is correct. You need to purchase the City Navigator maps from Garmin. They have street level detail, will allow to you navigate to a specific address and will do so on existing roads not in a straight line. The base map that comes pre-installed is highly limited as you have described. To use City Navigator on the 276C you will also need a Garmin Data card. Get the 512MB card. This will allow you to download about 50% of the City Navigator data set. The best price by far is at GPScity.com. I have purchased three Garmin data cards from them and their service is great.


Spamicus Eliminatus
To get the audio to work you MUST have an external speaker. Either the speaker 12 volt power cord or a full external speaker. The 276c does not have a speaker built in.


Street Wolf

Awesome, big thanks to all of you. Pretty well learned everything I needed to know already. :sombrero:


Expedition Leader
with autorouting you need to also set the unit to "onroad" not offroad or sea, as you will get straight lines with the other too

Reading the instruction book may help to.....I know the wimps way out:costumed-smiley-007

There's a lot more settings and map choices on this unit in comparison to a simple GPS.

IE tom tom etc will work way easier for around town

This GPS does around town-offroad and sea...so its a bit more fiddly.

The basemap loaded with the unit is just main highways,
so even when you set high detail you won't get much.

If you want world wide......

smelly bikers wanderlust world map can't be beat for the price and the detail

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