What's this truck worth?

David Harris

Expedition Leader
Came across this 1959 Series II SW for sale? Pretty rough condition, esp. bulkhead door posts, but solid frame, runs and drives but needs work, clear title. New to the series market myself. What do you think is a fair price for this?










Are they willing to give it to you? seriously... run away. I've been around series rover for 20yrs, and that my friend is a disaster on wheels.


Expedition Leader
59 is a rare year. To the right person its worth a couple thousand bucks. Real market value in my area I'd list it for $1800, sell for $1200 minimum.

The cab even in rough shape ads value. If it still has lots of the unique SII parts it would be worth a little more as well. Only to someone who knows what they're looking for. (Not just a generic Series truck).

I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
The last parts trucks I bought I paid $400 for both. They were in better shape and more complete than that. Does it run? Have paperwork? $500 at most.


Worth whatever someone is willing to pay. That being said, as advice to a fellow board member ... and not wanting to see anyone prison raped, That is a rolling disaster. 59 is a rare year, pickup top needs glass, bulkhead is swiss cheese with some of the most comical "repairs" I've ever seen. $2500 - $4000 will get you a running truck that you can tinker with as you drive it... something that will cost you FAR less than this mess in the long run.


SE Expedition Society
I'm a long time LR owner (20 yrs) and I've had a couple of Series trucks and I'd pass on that one unless it's free. That's a parts truck and not much is usable as parts. As someone else said spent enough to get a runner that's in better shape.
that truck is pretty torched, if you are looking for a project, the man i bought my truck from has two series 88 that he wants 4-500$ for each. he is in central PA. let me know if you have interest. maybe one of his trucks, and this one with the running motor, and good frame will make a nice truck.

LR Max

Local Oaf
Judging from the homebrew rear crossmember, its already had some chassis work so I would venture far enough to say that it probably needs a new frame.

If you want a REAL project, it is sitting in front of you. If you want a truck that needs some minor things over a few weekends and then go play in the snow, this ain't it.

Overall, I wouldn't pay more than $1000 for it. 400-500 is more what I'm thinking...might pay 800 if the guy realizes the truck cab top is worth some $$$. Heck the body isn't even straight!


Yikes! Looks to me like the seller should be giving YOU money, vs. the other way around. Honestly, some vehicles just aren't worth anything, and this might be one of them. Even hauling it away would cost you money, and then you might get a couple of so-so parts from it. Then you'll have a big pile of rusty scrap to dispose of when you're finished. Not worth the effort, IMO.


Given that it runs, I personally think it might make sense to have something like that and use it as a beater vehicle. Just don't pay over $1000 for it and whatever you do don't try to improve it beyond just keeping it running.

Oh wait, it needs some taillights-- fix that but nothing else!

Then, when it dies, you'll probably be able to get your purchase price back when you part it out and recycle the unusable bits.

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