Wheelchair accessible camper build


I debated putting this in the camper section, but this is more appropriate, I think. I had a crash almost 10 years ago on a dual sport which resulted in a T-6 complete SCI, leaving me paralyzed from the chest down. I have been looking at ways to camp, especially at dualsport rides, and after convincing myself I wanted an Intech Flyer Chase or Pursue, the prices started getting CRAZY on them. A few months ago, I became aware for Neo Trailers NAR series, and just received my NAR105 this week. It is a 10'longx5'wide sleeper cabin on wheels, with a very minimal build out. I am taking it out this weekend for the first time, so it's very much still in raw form, but I think it's going to work out great for me.


Since receiving it, I've mounting the propane tank, and basically thrown in what I need to get by for a weekend for now.

The plan is to use the rear entry as access to the sleeping area, and I plan to install an OVS heavy duty fridge slide in the side door. It is just wide enough to fit it, will hold the fridge and power station and should allow me access to nearly the full width of the trailer, with some room for wires and things around it. Basically, my spin on the Pursue pull out kitchen. Goal Zero Yeti 1000x will power a fuseblock for lights.etc, CPAP, fridge, etc.

Hopefully some other disabled explorers can find this useful, I'll try to take some pictures out this weekend and post how it works out.


Good job!
Could you hinge one of the doors from the bottom instead of the side as a ramp and then drive it with a couple of linear actuators?
OKA196 motorhome


What a great start! I know the weekend is just ending but how was the first trip? I bet your head is spinning from what you want to do now.
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Thanks, it is for sure! It proved that it will work out great! I can tranfer into the back door with no issue, but need some handles or straps to help get myself pulled all the way in and where I want to be. I didn't take a single picture, having too much fun hanging with friends and then it started raining, so just hid out. The OVS Heavy Duty Fridge Slide is going to work out great, I think. It's 6" narrower than the camper, and just narrow enough to fit out the door. Found a good Black Friday Deal, so I snagged on for $170 off:

Definitely lots of little things to do still, but a little more planning and testing stuff out, and I think I'll have it decently built out for me by midsummer.


Sounds like a great time and able to get back out there. Don’t worry about her pictures, I usually don’t take very more nowadays.

Happy camping!

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